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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. Y.I. (Yvonne) Verkuil


Biometric variability and sexual size dimorphism in the Great Knot Calidris tenuirostris

Grutto Landschap Project Jaarverslag 2023: De staat van ons landschap: Biomonitoring van duurzame landbouw innovaties

High dispersal ability versus migratory traditions: Fine-scale population structure and post-glacial colonisation in bar-tailed godwits

Addressing data-deficiency of threatened sharks and rays in a highly dynamic coastal ecosystem using environmental DNA

Central-West Siberian-breeding Bar-tailed Godwits (Limosa lapponica) segregate in two morphologically distinct flyway populations

DNA metabarcoding quantifies the relative biomass of arthropod taxa in songbird diets: Validation with camera-recorded diets

Genetic structure in the nonbreeding range of rufa Red Knots suggests distinct Arctic breeding populations

Global flyway evolution in red knots Calidris canutus and genetic evidence for a Nearctic refugium

Growth, maturity, and diet of the pearl whipray (Fontitrygon margaritella) from the Bijagós Archipelago, Guinea-Bissau

Sanderlings feed on a diverse spectrum of prey worldwide but primarily rely on brown shrimp in the Wadden Sea


Het mysterie van de lepelaar - Waarom sterven er zoveel kuikens?

Simpele maatregelen kunnen klimaatdoelen ‘een flinke slinger’ geven

Kemphanen kunnen zo hitsig zijn dat ze zelfs een steen proberen te versieren

DNA verraadt de gangen van de stern

'Supergene' underlies genetic differences, sexual behavior in male ruff

Pit Stops and Stopovers

Interview on Estonian TV about wader conservation

Melk en Honing vraagt zich af: Zijn alle kemphanen echte kemphanen?