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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. W.S. (Ward) Rauws


Embracing Uncertainty Without Abandoning Planning: Exploring an Adaptive Planning Approach for Guiding Urban Transformations

Adaptive planning: Generating conditions for urban adaptability.Lessons from Dutch organic development strategies

Civic initiatives in urban development: self-governance versus self-organisation in planning practice

Why planning needs complexity: Towards an adaptive approach for guiding urban and peri-urban transformations

How to make development plans suitable for volatile contexts

Dealing with tensions: the expertise of boundary spanners in facilitating community initiatives

From experiments to organizational change: Learning from urban logistics projects in Groningen and Bergen

Adaptieve planning in het ruimtelijk domein: Een verkenning op basis van het NOVEX-programma

Advies CO2-compensatie vliegreizen Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

Citizen Engagement in Urban Green Spaces: A Role-Based Analysis of Supportive Professional Actors


Radioshow on Age-friendly neighbourhoods

Vlog on effects studentification in the city of Groningen

Space for your disability. Geography and Movement Sciences combine their expertise in multidisciplinary project

Video: 18 miljoen inwoners, is Nederland vol?

Met 18 miljoen mensen vraagt de ruimtelijke puzzel om nieuwe spelregels

18 miljoen inwoners: is Nederland vol?

A mismatch between city and individual

Duurzame stadslogistiek binnen bereik?

Flexwoning: ei van Columbus of doekje voor het bloeden?

Gezocht: gids uit de chaos in de binnenstad