dr. W.M. (Willem M) Jongman

Willem Marinus Jongman
Willem Jongman was educated at Leiden University, where he studied history (BA 1975, MA 1976), and where he was awarded his doctorate in 1988 (cum laude). After a research fellowship in ancient history at King’s College Cambridge from 1976-9, he has subsequently taught pre-industrial economic history and ancient history at the universities of Rotterdam and Groningen (where he was awarded a readership in ancient history in 2006, and economic and social history from 2013). He has been the recipient of numerous awards and fellowships, both in the Netherlands and abroad. His book on Pompeii was named one of the most important works of scholarship on the ancient economy of the last two centuries. One of his articles was selected by the Royal Netherlands Economic Society as one of the most remarkable publications of the year in economics. For many years he was chairman of the editorial board of the Mnemosyne Supplements 'History and Archaeology of Classical Antiquity' (Royal E.J. Brill Publishers). He is currently an editor for the series 'People, Markets, Goods: Economies and Societies in History' (Boydell & Brewer for the Economic History Society). From 2013-2019 he has been a member of the Advisory Board of the joint DFG Graduiertenkolleg Archaeology of Pre-Modern Economies of the Universities of Bonn and Cologne, where he was also a DFG Mercator fellow in the Winter Semester of 2014-5. In the autumn of 2015 he was a member of the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton, and in November 2016 he was a visiting professor at the Collège de France in Paris. From 2019 he has been a member of the Executive Board of the international consortium for the integration of archaeological field survey datasets, http://comparativesurveyarchaeology.org/
Fellowships and awards
1976-9 Research fellow, King’s College Cambridge
1988-9 Andrew W. Mellon fellow at the National Humanities Center, USA
1989 Praemium Erasmianum dissertation prize for The economy and society of Pompeii.
1989 Choice Magazine (American Library Association) Outstanding Academic Book of the Year Award, for The economy and society of Pompeii.
1990 International Economic History Association prize for best dissertation on ancient and medieval economic history in the years 1985-88.
1990-1 Talent Stipendium, NWO, held at King’s College Cambridge
1992-6 Postdoctoral fellowship, NWO, part time
1999 Emily Harpham Memorial Lecture, University of Akron (OH)
2002-3 Overseas fellow, Churchill College Cambridge (by invitation)
2003-4 Visiting fellow, Davis Center for Historical Studies, Princeton University
2005 Visiting fellow, School of Advanced Studies, London. Declined.
2008-9 Visiting fellow, Institute for Advanced Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
2010 Visiting fellow, All Souls College, Oxford (declined).
2014-15 DFG Mercator fellow at Bonn/Cologne DFG Graduate School Archeology of Pre-Modern Economies
2015 Member of the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, for the first semester of 2015-6.
2016 Visiting professor, Collège de France, Paris (November).
Laatst gewijzigd: | 14 februari 2024 11:32 |