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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. W.C. (Wiktor) Szymanski


Spatiotemporal Control Over Circadian Rhythms With Light

Synthesis and in vitro evaluation of spirobenzovesamicols as potential 11C-PET tracer alternatives to [18F]FEOBV for vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT) imaging

Bacteria-targeted imaging using vancomycin-based positron emission tomography tracers can distinguish infection from sterile inflammation

Building Bridges: the magic of light andthe logic of molecules

Cation delocalization and photo-isomerization enhance the uncaging quantum yield of a photocleavable protecting group

Correction: Multivalent probes in molecular imaging Reality or future?: (Trends in Molecular Medicine, 27:4 p:379-393, 2021)

Getting a molecular grip on the half-lives of iminothioindoxyl photoswitches

Modulation of the isomerization of iminothioindoxyl switches by supramolecular confinement

Photocleavable Protecting Groups Using a Sulfite Self-Immolative Linker for High Uncaging Quantum Yield and Aqueous Solubility

Photocontrol of the β-Hairpin Polypeptide Structure through an Optimized Azobenzene-Based Amino Acid Analogue


Three New EU Projects with Universität Hamburg Researchers

Moleculair succes bij ERC Synergy Grants

ERC Synergy Grants: Forschende der Uni Hamburg an drei neuen EU-Projekten beteiligt

Met licht schakelbare geneesmiddelen een stap dichterbij | Engineeringnet

Gearing up towards light-switchable drugs

Taking photoclick chemistry to the next level

Photoklick-Chemie auf die nächste Stufe bringen

Advancements in Photoclick Chemistry: Boosting Efficiency of the PQ-ERA Reaction

Faire passer la chimie du photoclick au niveau supérieur

Researchers report photoclick reactions with unprecedented efficiency