V. (Vera) Alexander, Dr

Current Position
University Lecturer in European Literatures and Cultures: English (UD1)
Professional Affiliations and International Network
- Deutscher Anglistenverband
- ESSE (European Society for the Study of English)
- ASLE (Association for the Study of Literature and Environment)
- Centre for Australian Studies, Copenhagen University
- GAPS (Formerly GNEL/ASNEL, German Association for Anglophone Postcolonial Studies)
- GKS (Gesellschaft für Kanadastudien)
- NACS (Nordic Association for Canadian Studies)
- EACLALS (European Association for Commonwealth Language and Literature Studies)
- ISRLC (International Society for the Study of Religion, Literature and Culture)
- NICA (Netherlands Institute for Cultural Analysis)
- OSL (Onderzoekschool Literatuurweetenschaap)
- Workgroup Huizinga Institute, Utopia in Connected and Entangled Perspectives (with Dr Barnita Bagchi, Utrecht)
Research Areas
English and Anglophone Literatures and Cultures; Ecocriticism; Travel and Mobility; Life Writing; Bildungsroman; Children’s Writing; Heterotopia; Diaspora; Transculturality.
- German (native language);
- English (native competency);
- Italian (fluent: writing and speaking);
- Danish (fluent: writing and speaking);
- French (fluent: writing and speaking);
- Dutch (C2);
- Modern Greek (basic proficiency).
2nd place for a W3 Professorship in Anglophone Literatures and Cultures, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen, Germany (June 2013)
Monographs and edited works
- Garden Literature: Relations, Creativity and Identity Formation. Forthcoming.
- Transcultural Representations of Migration and Education in South Asian Anglophone Novels. Trier: WVT, 2006.
- Romantik. Trier: WVT, 2000. Ed. with Monika Fludernik.
Journal Articles (peer-reviewed)
- Digging for Sanctuary: The Garden as a Contact Sphere. European Crises. Literary, Political and Linguistic Perspectives.Special Issue of Journal of European Studies 49:3-4, 470-487.
- Introduction: European Crises (with Pablo Valdivia, Lars Rensmann, Florian Lippert and Alberto Godioli). European Crises. Literary, Political and Linguistic Perspectives. Special Issue of Journal of European Studies 49:3-4, 211-216.
- European Literature, Conflict and the Spaces of Modernism (with Alberto Godioli and Florian Lippert). EU-topias 15 (2018): 95-98.
- The Relational Imaginary of M.G. Vassanji's A Place Within. Life Writing 13.2 (2016) 1-16.
- Eco-Sustainable Interstices in Eleanor Perényi’s Green Thoughts: A Writer in the Garden. Le Simplegadi 12 (13): Eco-Sustainable Narratives in World Literatures, Languages and Education (November 2014). 76-87. http://all.uniud.it/simplegadi/?p=1047
- Environmental Otherness: Nature on Human Terms in Garden Writings. Otherness: Essays and Studies 4.1. (2013): 1-24.
- Kew Gardens as a Literary Space. Studies in the History of Gardens and Designed Landscapes 32.2 (2012): 116-127.
- The Silence of Green Gold: Gardens, Nature and Indigeneity. Indian Journal of World Literature and Culture 8 (2012): 69-84.
- Difference and Change: Transcultural Negotiations in Tales from Firozsha Baag and Interpreter of Maladies. Literatur in Wissenschaft und Unterricht 3.-4 (2009): 187-200.
- Sounds of Otherness: The Representation of Music in Ann Patchett’s Bel Canto. Double Dialogues 10 (Summer 2009). http://www.doubledialogues.com/issue_ten/alexander.html.
Journal Articles (not peer-reviewed)
- Fiction Unlimited? Rethinking Violence in Shashi Tharoor’s Riot. Muse India 24 (2009). http://www.museindia.com/Home/ViewContentData?arttype=focus&issid=24&menuid=1425.
- Lesbian Imaginative Spaces in Indian Literature. Muse India 12 (Mar-Apr 2007). http://www.museindia.com/Home/ViewContentData?arttype=articles&issid=12&menuid=625 (With Sissy Helff).
- Von der Peripherie zum Zentrum: Transkulturelle Anglophone Studien an der Universität des Saarlandes. magazin forschung 2 (2002): 36-40. http://www.uni-saarland.de/de/profil/veroeffentlichungen/ff_magazin/archiv/2002/2-2002/.
Book Chapters and Contributions to Anthologies (peer-reviewed)
- Lives Written in Green: Garden Writing as Life Writing. 'A Green Thought in a Green Shade': Immaginario letterario e ambiente, ed. Laura Giovanelli. Pisa University Press, 2020. 347-370.
- Books without Borders: Self-Referentiality and Intermedial Games in Jasper Fforde’s Thursday Next Series. Self-reflection in Literature, ed. Florian Lippert and Marcel Schmid. Leiden/Boston: Brill Rodopi, 2020. 217-238.
- The Visitor in M.G. Vassanji’s A Place Within. The Transnationl Imaginaries of M.G. Vassanji. Diaspora, Literature and Culture. ed. Asma Sayed and Karim Murji. New York et al.: Peter Lang, 2018. 51-66.
- Enclosed: Nature. Carol Shields’s Garden Mazes and Life Writing. Gateways and Walls. ed. Janet Wilson and Daria Tunca. Amsterdam: Brill Rodopi, 2017. 219-240.
- Transcultural Food and English Recipes for Immigration: Susanna Moodie and Catharine Parr Traill. Media Food and Identity, ed. Jonatan Leer and Karen Klitgaard. Critical Food Studies, ed. Mike Goodman. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2016. 38-61.
- Elizabeths ‘deutsch-englischer’ Garten: Grenzraum und Gesellschaftskritik um 1900. Natur und Moderne um 1900, ed. Anna Lena Sandberg and Adam Paulsen. Bielefeld: transcript, 2013. 103-118.
- Revisiting Lost Gardens: The Expulsion from Childhood in the Writings of Penelope Lively. Projections of Paradise. Dreams of Ideal Refuge in Migrant and Postcolonial Literature. Ed. Helga Ramsey-Kurz. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2011. 1-28.
- ‘Worlds of Disenchantment’: Alienation and Change in Adib Khan’s Seasonal Adjustments. Embracing the Other. Addressing Xenophobia in the New Literatures in English. Ed. Dunja Mohr. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2008. 83-96.
- Beyond Centre and Margin: Representations of Australia in South Asian Immigrant Writings. Making Space Meaningful. Eds. Gerd Dose and Britta Kuhlenbeck. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 2007. 153-174.
- Investigating the Motif of Crime as Transcultural Border Crossing. Postcolonial Post-mortems. Eds. Susanne Mühleisen and Christine Matzke. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2006. 139-159.
Book Chapters and Contributions to Anthologies (not peer-reviewed)
- In Search of Wisdom: Transformation in Indigenous and Postcolonial Discourses. Voice and Memory: Indigenous Imagination and Expression. Ed. G. N. Devy, Geoffrey V. Davis and K. K. Chakravarty. New Delhi: Orient Black Swan: 2011. 149-164.
- Grenzräume und Grenzerfahrung in der indischen Diasporaliteratur Afrikas. With Sissy Helff. Grenzen ohne Fächergrenzen. Interdisziplinäre Annäherungen. Eds. Bärbel Kuhn, Martina Pitz and Andreas Schorr. St. Ingbert: Röhrig Universitätsverlag, 2007. 11-26.
- The Politics of Shifting Boundaries in Moyez G. Vassanji’s The Gunny Sack and Farida Karodia’s Other Secrets. Africa, Europe and (Post)colonialism: Racism, Migration and Diaspora. Versions and Subversions in African Literatures. Eds. Susan Arndt and Marek Spitczok von Brisinski. Bayreuth: African Studies Series, 2006. 327-342. (With Sissy Helff)
- The Role of Education in South Asian Novels in English. Mediating Indian Writing in English. German Responses, ed. Mala Pandurang and Bernd-Peter Lange. Jaipur et al.: Rawat, 2005. 263-284.
- Cross-Cultural Encounters in Amit Chaudhuri’s Afternoon Raag and Yasmine Gooneratne’s A Change of Skies. The Politics of English as a World Language. New Horizons in Postcolonial Cultural Studies. Ed. Christian Mair. (ASNEL Papers 7) Trier: WVT, 2003. 375-383.
- Postponed Arrivals: The Afro-Asian Diaspora in Moyez G. Vassanji’s No New Land. Diaspora and Multiculturalism. Common Traditions and New Developments. Ed. Monika Fludernik. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2003. 199-229.
Contributions to Encyclopaedias, Reviews and Reports (peer-reviewed)
- M.G. Vassanji. The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Postcolonial Studies, ed. Sangeeta Ray and Henry Schwarz. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. Vol. III. 2016.
- Exile. The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Postcolonial Studies, ed. Sangeeta Ray and Henry Schwarz. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. Vol. I. 2016.
- P.L. Travers, Mary Poppins. Kindlers Neues Literaturlexikon. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2009.
- Katherine Mansfield. Kindlers Neues Literaturlexikon. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2009.
- Katherine Mansfield, In a German Pension. Kindlers Neues Literaturlexikon. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2009.
- Katherine Mansfield, The Garden Party and Other Stories. Kindlers Neues Literaturlexikon. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2009.
- Katherine Mansfield, Bliss and Other Stories. Kindlers Neues Literaturlexikon. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2009.
- Catharine Parr Traill, The Backwoods of Canada. Kindlers Neues Literaturlexikon. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2009.
- Amit Chaudhuri. Kritisches Lexikon zur fremdsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur. KLfG 3/06. Rpt. Indische Literatur der Gegenwart, ed. Martin Kämpchen. München: edition text + kritik, 2006, 419-432. Updated 2015.
- Rohinton Mistry. Kritisches Lexikon zur fremdsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur. KLfG 3/06. Rpt. Indische Literatur der Gegenwart, ed. Martin Kämpchen. München: edition text + kritik, 2006, 368-379. Updated 2015.
- Shashi Tharoor. Kritisches Lexikon zur fremdsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur. KLfG 3/06. Rpt. Indische Literatur der Gegenwart, ed. Martin Kämpchen. München: edition text + kritik, 2006, 380-390. Updated 2015.
- Vikram Seth. Kritisches Lexikon zur fremdsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur. KLfG 3/06. Rpt. Indische Literatur der Gegenwart, ed. Martin Kämpchen. München: edition text + kritik, 2006, 353-367. Updated 2015.
Contributions to Encyclopaedias, Reviews and Reports (not peer-reviewed)
- Report of Roundtable 03: Literature and Terrorism. 2011. The European English Messenger 20.1 (Spring 2011): 22.
- Review of Suvir Kaul, Eighteenth Century British Literature and Postcolonial Studies. Postcolonial Literary Studies. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 2009. ZAA 2.2 (2010): 176-177.
- Report of the 20th Annual GNEL/ASNEL Conference, Postcolonial Translocations, Münster, Germany, May 21-24 2009. EACLALS Newsletter, Summer 2009. http://www.eaclals.ulg.ac.be/documents/EACLALS_newsletter_summer_2009.pdf.
- Review of Across the Lines. Intertextuality and Transcultural Communication in the New Literatures in English, ed. Wolfgang Klooss. Symbolism 5 (2005): 418-427.
- Report of the International Conference Peripheral Centres, Central Peripheries: Anglophone India and its Diasporas, Saarbrücken, Germany, August 29-31, 2002. Anglistik 14.1 (2003): 209-212.
- Nayantara Sahgal. Metzler-Lexikon englischsprachiger Autoren. 631 Porträts. Von den Anfängen bis in die Gegenwart. Ed. Eberhard Kreutzer and Ansgar Nünning. Stuttgart: Metzler, 2002. 501-502.
- Report of the ASNEL/MAVEN Conference 2001, Freiburg (Germany), June 6-9, 2001, The Cultural Politics of English as a World Language (2002). Postcolonial Forum 10 (2002): 16-21.
Invited Lectures and Keynotes
- Entangled Gardens: Heterotopian Relationality in Romesh Gunesekera’s The Prisoner of Paradise (2012). Workshop Huizinga Institute, Utopia in Connected and Entangled Perspectives, 11-Dec-2019.
- Gardens, Gender and Crisis in Canadian Literature. Keynote, Conference Intersections of Gender and Myth in Canadian Culture and Media | Intersections de Genre et Mythe dans la Culture et les Médias du Canada.16. Tagung des Nachwuchsforums der Gesellschaft für Kanada-Studien. Kassel, Germany. 28-Jun-2019.
- The Environment as Other. Seminario Inaugural Doctorado en Comunicación, Universidad de la Universidad de la Frontera y la Universidad Austral de Chile. Temuco, Chile, 11-01-2018. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4X0oRXtOe4&t=1s
- From Paradise with Love? Visitors’ Visions of Southern Europe. Keynote, Winter School Imagining Southern Europe, Granada. 22-02-2017.
- Gärten im Weltraum: Vertraute Aliens in Star Trek. Evening Plenary Lecture, Summer Academy of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation, Greifswald. 31-08-2016.
- Ecologies of Belonging in Indian Diasporic Writing. Eberhard-Karls Universität Tübingen. 13-12-2012.
- Living Spaces: Garden Writings between Reality and Utopia. Reading (and Writing) the Garden. A public seminar by Dr Katie Holmes (La Trobe University, Australia) and Dr Vera Alexander (ENGEROM). Centre for Australian Studies, Copenhagen University, 04-10-2011.
- No Harm in a Garden? Plants as Colonial Subjects. Keynote, ENGEROM Symposium. Copenhagen University. 24-11-2010.
- 250 Jahre Royal Botanic Gardens: Ein literarischer Spaziergang durch Kew. Freie Gartenakademie e.V., Münster. 09-08-2008.
- Challenging Englishness: Virginia Woolf and Katherine Mansfield. Johann-Wolfgang von Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main. 19-06-2009.
- Restless in a Flowerbed: A Literary Walk through Kew Gardens. Centre for British Studies (Humboldt University Berlin). 12-05-2008.
Conference Papers and Presentations
- Green Havens: Gardening, Heterotopia, Sustainability, Valencia Film Conference. 24-10-2018.
- Garden Writing as Life Writing: Green Thoughts in No-Man’s Land. The Garden: Ecological Paradigms of Space, History, and Community. 8th Biennial Conference of the European Association for the Study of Literature, Culture and Environment (EASLCE), University of Würzburg, 27-09-2018.
- Speaking for Space? Mapping and Belonging in the Public Sphere (with Dr Camilla Sutherland). University of Valencia, Winter School, Imagining Southern Europe: Culture and Populism. 21-02-2018.
- Humour in the Garden: Reading Space Relations. Workshop Humor and Satire Today: Cultural, Political and Media Perspectives. Centro Científico Tecnológico CONICET Patagonia Norte San Carlos de Bariloche, 24-01-2018.
- Words Flowing Into Paint: Lord Chandos and Emily Carr. Panel 46, “Words floated round me …”: The Heritage of Modernist Language Crises. MSA Amsterdam, 11-08-2017.
- Emily Carr, Posthumanist. Seminar: Posthumanist Modernism. ACLA Utrecht, 08-07-2017.
- The Country in the City: Gardens and Resistance. Performing the Urban: Embodiments, Inventories, Rhythms, 16th Triennial Conference, EACLALS, Oviedo, 04-04-2017.
- Borders in Literature. Teachers’ Panel, Groninger Alumnivereniging Jafet, 1st Symposium. 03-02-2017.
- Gardens as Relational Heterotopias. Ecocriticism: Literature and Environment. Ravenstein Seminar, Onderzoekschool Literatuurwetenschaap (OSL), Amsterdam, 27-01-2017.
- Gardens in Space: Green Enemies and the Liminality of Otherness. Star Trek Symposium, University of Malta. 13-07-2016.
- Life Writing, Relationality and Place: M.G. Vassanji’s A Place Within. Life Writing After Empire. Symposium, Copenhagen. 04-05-2015.
- Other Mobilities: Visitors and Memory. Comparative Studies in Migration and Memory. Symposium, Copenhagen. 07-11-2014.
- ‘A thing of beauty and a job forever’: Gardens as Places of Care. ASLE Conference: The End of Place as we Know it. Glasgow, 18-09-2014.
- Plants as Commodities: Literary Reflections on Green Relationships. 15th Triennial Conference of EACLALS. Uncommon Wealths: Riches and Realities. Innsbruck, Austria, 14-04-2014.
- Heterotopian Travels in M.G. Vassanji’s Writings. The Transnational Imaginaries of M.G. Vassanji. London, SOAS. 08-11-2013.
- Rhizomatic Trajectories in Green Autobiographies. ACLA Toronto, 05-04-2013.
- Transcultural Food Exchanges in Open Letters. Media Food and Identity Conference. Copenhagen. 13-11-2012.
- Elizabeth von Arnims deutscher Garten: Grenzüberschreitungen zwischen Kultur und Natur. Natur und Moderne um 1900. Copenhagen. 27-10-2011.
- Enclosed: Nature. Gardens and Restructuring. Under Construction: Gateways and Walls. EACLALS Conference, Istanbul. 26-04-2011.
- The Silence of Green Gold: Gardens, Nature and Indigeneity. Local Knowledge-Global Translations. CHOTRO Conference. New Delhi. 14-09-2010.
- Introduction: Terrorism and Literature. 10th ESSE Conference. Turin. 26-08-2010.
- Strokes of the Hoe in the Commonwealth. Strokes Across Culture. ACLALS Conference. Nicosia, Cyprus. 08-06-2010.
- Back to the Roots. Reading Plants in Migration. PhD Symposium, Copenhagen. 26-11-2009.
- Childhoods Lost and Re-Imagined: Gardens in the Writings of Katherine Mansfield and P.L. Travers. EASA Conference. Palma de Mallorca. 24-09-2009.
- Gardens as Utopias in Modernist Literatures: Conquering Nature, Contesting Englishness. Utopian Studies Conference, Oxford. 18-09-2009.
- Beyond the Forest, Beyond Nature? Otherness and Space in Dracula. Facing the East in the West Conference, Freiburg i.Br. 24-07-2009.
- Reading (Weeding?) Translocal Gardenscapes. 20th Annual GNEL/ASNEL Conference, Münster. 23-05-2009.
- Blasphemy and Burning Books: Salman Rushdie’s The Satanic Verses, 1988-2008. 14th Biannual Conference of the Society for the Study of Religion, Literature and Culture, Breaking the Norms: Reception, Transformation and Transgression in Religion, Literature and Culture. Aarhus. 18-10-2008.
- Melting Mosaics: Transcultural Border Negotiations and Change at the Margins. NACS Triennial Conference. Canada and Northern Diversities, Tromsø. 09-08-2008.
- Looking Forward, Looking Back: Negotiations of Freedom in Life Writing. EACLALS Triennial Conference: Try Freedom: Rewriting Rights in/through Postcolonial Cultures, Venice. 27-03-2008.
- In Search of Wisdom: Constructions, Stereotyping and Transformations. CHOTRO Conference: Janajatis: Language, Literature, History, Culture. Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts, New Delhi. 05-01-2008.
- Private and Public Modernisms: The Autobiographical Writings of Nellie McClung and Willa Cather. Emerging Modernisms in Canada and the USA. Internationales Kolloquium. Universität des Saarlandes. 23-02-2006.
- Wanderjahre des Bildungsromans. Forschungsschwerpunkt Grenzen und Interferenz-räume, Universität des Saarlandes. 04-07-2005.
- Reading Film Adaptation as Translation. GNEL/ASNEL Conference 2005. Kiel. 06-05-2005.
- Exploring Fragmented Identities: Anthologies of South Pacific Anglophone Writings. Sharing Places: Searching for Common Ground in a World of Continuing Exclusion. EACLALS Triennial Conference. University of Malta. 23-03-2005.
- Difference and Change: Transcultural Identity Negotiation in Tales from Firozsha Baag and Interpreter of Maladies. Mediating American and Canadian Literature and Culture across a Latitudinal Line: An Exploration of Transnational Crosscurrents. Mediation of Literature and Culture Conference III. Universität des Saarlandes, 30-10-2004.
- De-Centering the Margins? Representations of Australia in South Asian Immigrant Writings. Australia: Making Space Meaningful. 9th Biennial Conference of the Association for Australian Studies, Hamburg, 08-10-2004.
- Multiple Transcultural Spaces and Lesbian Imagi-Nations. With Sissy Helff. ACLALS. Nation and the Imagination: The Changing Commonwealth, Hyderabad, India, 06-08-2004.
- Crime as Border Crossing. Transcultural English Studies, GNEL/ASNEL-Conference 2004, Frankfurt/Main. 23/05/2004.
- Transcultural Orientation. Panel Statement. Transcultural English Studies, ASNEL-Conference 2004, Frankfurt/Main. 20/05/2004.
- Grenzräume und Grenzerfahrung in der indischen Diasporaliteratur Afrikas. With Sissy Helff. Kolloquium Grenzen ohne Fächergrenzen, Universität des Saarlandes, 03/02/2003.
- ‘Worlds of Disenchantment: Alienation and Change in Adib Khan’s Seasonal Adjustments. Embracing the Other: Addressing Xenophobia in the New Literatures in English. ASNEL-Conference 2002, Erfurt.
- Transcultural Humour in Goodness Gracious Me and East is East. Panel contribution. Embracing the Other: Addressing Xenophobia in the New Literatures in English. ASNEL-Conference 2002, Erfurt.
- The Politics of Shifting Boundaries in Farida Karodia’s Other Secrets (2000) and Moyez G. Vassanji’s The Gunny Sack (1989). With Sissy Helff. Versions/Subversions. International Conference on African Literatures, Berlin, Humboldt University, 01-04/05/2002.
- Multicultural Encounters in Amit Chaudhuri’s Afternoon Raag and Yasmine Gooneratne’s A Change of Skies. The Cultural Politics of English as a World Language, ASNEL-Conference 2001, Freiburg i. Br.
- What Went Wrong? The Failed Marriage of East and West in Raja Rao’s The Serpent and the Rope. Spaces In-Between- Negotiating Boundaries in Postcolonial Writing. ASNEL-Conference 1996, Universität Konstanz.
Conference Chairs, Introductions and Panel Contributions
- Dansk færøske Frokost, RUG (Scandinavianist symposium with the Ambassador of the Faroe Islands), 31-01-2019.
- Chair of Panel Garden Writing/Life Writing II, EASLCE 27-09-2018.
- Chair European Culture & Literature PhD forum, University of Valencia, 20-02-2018.
- Replacement chair of Panel 46, “Words floated round me …”: The Heritage of Modernist Language Crises, MSA Amsterdam, 11-8-2017.
- Chair of Seminar “Modernist Gardens?” Modernist Studies Association (MSA) Amsterdam, 11-08-2017.
- Chair of Panel 5, Healing and Well-being in the City: Spaces and Initiatives. Performing the Urban: Embodiments, Inventories, Rhythms, 16th Triennial Conference, EACLALS, Oviedo, 05-04-2017.
- Co-convenor of a two-day OSL Ravenstein Seminar (Winter School) on “Ecocriticism: Literature and Environment”. 27/28-01-2017.
- Co-Convenor of the interdisciplinary conference Puzzling Europe: Literary, Political and Linguistic Perspectives on a Fragmented Continent; Co-organiser of Panel 2, “Peripheries. Otherness within Europe,” Chair of Workshop 1. 27-10-2016.
- Chair of Panel 1, ‘Phenomenal Place’. ASLE Conference The End of Place As We Know It. 17-09-2014.
- Co-Convenor (with Georgia Christinidis) of Seminar C23, ‘Narrating Identity Formation, On and Off the Map.’ ACLA Toronto, 04/05-04-2013.
- Co-Convenor (with Peter B. Anderson) and Moderator of the Asia Dynamics Initiative seminar ‘Transcultural Spaces: Githa Hariharan and Mridula Garg.’ Copenhagen, 03/10/2012.
- Co-Convenor (with Peter B. Anderson and Marie Yoshida) and Moderator of India Today, Copenhagen Tomorrow. Forfatterarrangement hos Gyldendal. Copenhagen, 24-09-2012.
- Convenor and Chair of Roundtable 3: Terrorism and Literature. 10th ESSE Conference. Turin. 26-08-2010.
- Chair of Session 3A: A country for women all right. EASA Conference. Palma de Mallorca. 23-09-2009.
- Chair of Panel: Russia: Exile and Travelling Concepts in the First Half of the 20th Century. Facing the East in the West Conference, Freiburg i. Br. 25-07-2009.
- Chair of Panel 7F, Narrative Translocations: Strategies and Techniques, GNEL/ASNEL, Postcolonial Translocations. 20th Annual GNEL/ASNEL Conference. Münster. 23-05-2009.
- Introduction and Chair of Plenary 5 (Toril Moi) at the 9th ESSE Conference, Aarhus. 26-08-2008.
- Convenor (with Dr. Lena Steveker) of Seminar 43, All Manners of Silence: Non-Verbal Communication in the Long Eighteenth Century. 9th ESSE Conference, Aarhus. 26-08-2008.
- Introduction and Chair of Lecture 5 (Tabish Khair) at the 9th ESSE Conference, Aarhus. 23/08/2008.
- Introduction and Chair of Lecture 4 (Christian Mair) at the 9th ESSE Conference, Aarhus. 23-08-2008.
- Chair of Panel Session 54, Identity and Representation, CHOTRO Conference: Janajatis: Language, Literature, History, Culture. Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts, New Delhi. 03-01-2008.
- Chair of Paper Session I: New Cultural Landscapes. Sharing Places: Searching for Common Ground in a World of Continuing Exclusion. EACLALS Triennial Conference. University of Malta. 2005-06-21.
- Chair of Section 3, Mediating American and Canadian Literature and Culture across a Latitudinal Line: An Exploration of Transnational Crosscurrents. Mediation of Literature and Culture Conference III. Saarland University, 2004-10-29.
- Chair of Poetry Readings, Peripheral Centres, Central Peripheries. Saarbrücken. 2002-08-31.
- Chair of Interpretations Panel, The Cultural Politics of English as a World Language, ASNEL-Conference 2001, Freiburg i. Br., 2001-06-07.
- Jason Rennie, ‘Star Trek Symposium Interviews’ http://www.sciphijournal.com/star-trek-symposium-interview-vera-alexander/ 2016-06-09.
- “Alice Interviews Vera Alexander.” Studievereniging Esperia, Everyday Alice. http://us11.campaign-archive1.com/?u=713d7261fd7243c164bdf1a3a&id=d07767c396&e=255afd77ca. 2016-03-15.
- Claudia Sander. ‘Garten hat viele Bedeutungen.’ Westfälische Nachrichten. http://www.wn.de/Muenster/2009/08/Kultur-Muenster-Garten-hat-viele-Bedeutungen. 2009-08-10.
Public Outreach (Presentations outside the academic arena)
- Other Music Academy, September 2018
- Film introduction, Aarhus communcal cinema, January 2009
Fellowships, Grants and Scholarships
2010 - 2011 |
Talent Workshop for selected postdoctoral fellows, University of Copenhagen |
2009 - 2011 |
Postdoctoral Fellowship, The Carlsberg Foundation (131,275 €) |
2008 |
NACS Travel Grant (to attend the Triennial NACS Conference in Tromsø, 1200 DKK) |
2006 |
Faculty Enrichment Programme, Canadian Government (funding to conduct a research trip to Canada, completed September 2006, (5,000 CDN $) |
2006 |
Start-up funding, PI of a research project on Canadian Life Writing, Research Grant from Saarland University (7,500 €) |
1999 |
PhD-Scholarship, Landesgraduiertenförderung Baden-Württemberg (declined) |
1996 |
German Academic Exchange (DAAD) Bursary, Perugia, Italy |
1995 |
German Academic Exchange (DAAD) Bursary, Thessaloniki, Greece |
1993 |
ERASMUS Scholarship, School of English and American Studies, University of East Anglia |
Last modified: | 25 June 2022 10.32 a.m. |