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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons T. (Tim) van Zutphen, PhD


Development and validation of a Context-sensitive Positive Health Questionnaire (CPHQ): A factor analysis and multivariate regression study

Effect of dietary interventions on markers of type 2 inflammation in asthma: A systematic review

Elevated plasma bile acids coincide with cardiac stress and inflammation in young Cyp2c70−/− mice

Mitochondrial DNA in plasma and long-term physical recovery of critically ill patients: an observational study

Real-time quantification of laser speckle contrast imaging during intestinal laparoscopic surgery: successful demonstration in a porcine intestinal ischemia model

Treatment of task-specific dystonia in sports: A systematic review

Dietary Inflammatory Index and clinical outcome measures in adults with moderate to severe asthma

Diet quality, food intake and incident adult-onset asthma: a Lifelines Cohort Study

Identification of an alternative triglyceride biosynthesis pathway

Inter-muscular coherence in speed skaters with skater's cramp


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