drs. T.N. (Tim) Zwaagstra

2015-2020 coordinator for UG; ETC 2.0; UG/VU/Leiden/NHL for Nuffic-NESO and Dutch Embassy; a project for the re-development of the Erasmus Taalcentrum in Jakarta into the Erasmus Training Centre
2010-2015 coordinator; Breakthroughs in Biofuels; UG/WUR/UT with ITB/UGM for NWO/KNAW & LIPI; a project for the development and implementation of new technologies for village-level processing of waste rubber industry biomass
2006-2010 co-coordinator for UG; Strengthening Competence Based Clinical Education using a Problem Based Learning Strategy; UM/UG-UMCG with UGM for Nuffic NPT; a project for the development of a patient-oriented learning curriculum at UGM
2003-2009 coordinator for UG; short course program Local Economic Resources Development LERD; UG-FEB with ITB for Nuffic-STUNED and Bappenas-Pusbin; short courses for the development of local economic resources in Indonesian regions
2005-2008 coordinator for UG; development of a Common ASian- European CUrriculum for Biomedical Engineering based on e-learning CASECUBE; UG-UMCG with ITB/UGM for EU AsiaLink; a project for the development of an internet-based master's curriculum in Biomedical Engineering
Last modified: | 25 June 2022 12.30 p.m. |