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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons T. (Toon) Kuppens, Dr


When and Why People Prefer Higher Educated Politicians: Ingroup Bias, Deference, and Resistance

Disentangling Societal Discontent and Intergroup Threat: Explaining Actions Towards Refugees and Towards the State

Educationism and the irony of meritocracy: Negative attitudes of higher educated people towards the less educated

Counteracting subliminal cues that threaten national identity

Mind the level: problems with two recent nation-level analyses in psychology

Caught Between Ideology and Self-Interest: Subjective Social Status and Meritocratic Beliefs Shape Whether People Perceive, Feel Anger About, and Want to Change Economic Conflict

Correction to: Education-based affective attitudes: higher educated-bias is related to more political trust and less populism (Acta Politica, (2024), 10.1057/s41269-023-00322-6)

Economic Threats, Political and National Identification Predict Affective Polarization: Longitudinal Evidence From Spain

Education-based affective attitudes: higher educated-bias is related to more political trust and less populism

Extending the scope for resistance to gender-based devaluation


De vloek van het diploma

The Political Failure of Bidenomics

Als je te koop loopt met dure spullen, word je niet gezien als teamspeler

Lees dit. Je bent toch niet dom?

Breaking bias around educationism

Ontplofbaar ongenoegen

Politiek twee-zuilenland: de zuil van het optimisme versus de zuil van het ongenoegen

Trump is weg, risico op populist niet

The invisible bias of educationism