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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons ir. T. (Theo) Woudstra


Hot air recirculation enlarges efficient operating window of reversible solid oxide cell systems: A thermodynamic study of energy storage using ammonia

Assessing the waste heat recovery potential of liquid organic hydrogen carrier chains

Reversible Solid Oxide Cells for Energy Storage in the Netherlands: Thermodynamics and Fuel Selection

Study of Trends in System Efficiency for a Biomass Integrated Gasification Fuel Cell Gas Turbine System when Carbon Dioxide Content is Enhanced

The effects of fuel type and cathode off-gas recirculation on combined heat and power generation of marine SOFC systems

Negative Emission Power Plants: Thermodynamic Modeling and Evaluation of a Biomass-Based Integrated Gasification Solid Oxide Fuel Cell/Gas Turbine System for Power, Heat, and Biochar Co-Production—Part 1

Numerical Evaluation of Biochar Production Performance of Downdraft Gasifier by Thermodynamic Model

Thermodynamic analysis of a novel integrated biomass pyrolysis-solid oxide fuel cells-combined heat and power system for co-generation of biochar and power

Thermodynamic analysis of supercritical water gasification combined with a reversible solid oxide cell

Comparison of Reversible SOC-Based Renewable Energy Storage Systems for the Netherlands and India