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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons T.H. (Todd) Weir, Prof

T.H. (Todd) Weir, Prof

Professor Geschiedenis van het Christendom


2015- 2016       Senior Lecturer, Modern European History, School of History and Anthropology, Queen’s University Belfast, UK

2007- 2015       Lecturer, Modern European History, School of History and Anthropology, Queen’s University Belfast, UK

2006                Adjunct Lecturer, Comparative History of Ideas, University of Washington, Seattle


2017-2023       Director, Centre for Religion and Heritage

2017-2022       Department Chair, Christianity and the History of Ideas

Since 2022       Faculty Ambassador, Open Science and Open Education

Since 2022       Member, University Committee for Academic Practice (UCW)

Since 2022       Chair, Undergraduate Education Committee, Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies

2023                Interim Director, Graduate School of the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies


2005                PhD, Modern European History, Columbia University, New York

2000                MPhil, Modern European History, Columbia University, New York City

1998                Magister, Modern History and Cultural Studies, Humboldt Universität, Berlin

1988                BA with honors, Development Studies, Brown University


2023                NWO Open Competition M, “Culture Wars and Modern Worldviews”

2023                Erasmus Plus Grant, Horizon 2020 European Union (PI)

2023                Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie Fellowship, sponsor of Dr. Ana Fernandez Aballi)

2022                Senior Fellowship, Leipzig University Research Center: “Multiple Secularities”

2020                Educational Grant, Dutch Cultural Heritage Agency (Rijksdienst voor het cultureel erfgoed) (PI)

2020                Erasmus Plus Grant, Horizon 2020 European Union (Co-applicant)

2018                Conference grant, Royal Dutch Academy of Science

2017                Jacques Barzun Prize for best book of cultural history for Secularism and Religion in Nineteenth-Century Germany, American Philosophical Society

2016                British Academy Conference

2016                Conference Grant, Royal Dutch Academy of Science

2014-2015       Research Fellowship, Leverhulme Trust, UK

2012                Early Career Research Fellowship, Arts and Humanities Research Council

2012                Honorary Residential Fellowship, Historisches Kolleg, Munich

2011                Small Research Grant, British Academy, UK

2010                Winner of the 2010 H-German syllabus contest for best module on Nazi/Holocaust history

2010                Teaching enhancement grant from Queen’s University

2009-2010       Visiting Fellow, Simpson Center for the Humanities, University of Washington, Seattle

2008                Research stipend, German Academic Exchange Service

2002-2004       Research Fellow, Berlin Program for Advanced German and European Studies, Freie Universität Berlin

2001-2002       Research stipend, German Academic Exchange Service

1998-2003       4-year doctoral fellowship, Columbia University

1997-98           MA fellowship, Stiftung “Luftbruckendank”, Berlin


Current PhDs (first supervisor)

  • Thao Nghiem “Secularism and the Communist Vietnamese State 1945-1991”
  • Baltazar J. Acebedo, “Ecclesia in Asia: The Catholic Church in Asia after Vatican II” Interfaculty PhD
  • Martin Andrade-Pérez, “The Unesco Lists of Intangible Heritage”
  • Maurice Backschat “Lutheran theology in the shadow of the Third Reich” Dual Degree with Muenster.
  • Ediz Hazir “The Catholic Community of Istanbul, 1850 to 1950” Double Degree with Charles Univesity, Prague.
  • Sam Van Leer “‘One Nation under God?’: ‘National’ Churches and the Challenge of Regional Identity in Belgium and Britain” 


2019           Co-organizer (with K. Knibbe, M. McIvor): Annual conference NGG Dutch Religious Studies, Groningen

2019           Principal convener: Religious Heritage in a Diverse Europe, International Conference, Groningen

2017           Principal convener (with H. McLeod and B. Ziemann): Defending the faith: Religious and Secularist Apologetics in Twentieth-Century Politics, British Academy Conference , London

2017           Principal convener (with H. Tóth), Conference Encounters of religion and socialism in during the long 1960s” University of Groningen

2015           Convener, international conference, The interwar Kulturkampf, Queen’s University Belfast, UK

2009           Convener, international symposium The Monist Century 1845-1945: Science, Secularism and Worldview Queen’s University Belfast, UK


2024          Editorial board member, Religion and Its Others book series, De Gruyter

2024          Editorial board member, Modern Intellectual History

2022           Scientific Expert, Explaining Atheism Project, Templeton Foundation

2021           Scientific Expert, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)

2020           Scientific Expert, Future for Religious Heritage, Brussels

2019           Committee Member, Evaluation of Teaching Exercise for the Department of Theology and Religious Studies, University of Leiden

2019           Committee Member, Marie Curie Fellowship, European Research Council, Brussels

2018-2021  Committee member, Dutch National Science Council (NWO), Veni and Vedi grant competitions.

2017           External PhD examiner, History of Ideas and Science, University of Gothenburg, Sweden

2015           Scientific Advisory Board, Modernism, Milan, Italy

2015           Judge, H-German syllabus contest

2012-2015  Scholarship assessor for National Universities of Ireland

Laatst gewijzigd:18 juni 2024 09:12