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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. mr. T.H.F. (Tjalling) Halbertsma

prof. dr. mr. T.H.F. (Tjalling) Halbertsma

Dean Faculty Campus Fryslân / Professor of International Studies, with a special focus on East Asia
Profielfoto van prof. dr. mr. T.H.F. (Tjalling) Halbertsma

MA East Asian Studies (International Relations)

How have some East Asian countries achieved such economic growth and global prominence in so little time? And what are the regional and global implications of the rise of East Asia?

East Asia is the foremost dynamic region in the world. From September 2014 the University of Groningen offers a new International Relations Master's programme, focusing on East Asian states and markets, politics and economics, nationalism and internationalism. All studied from a contemporary perspective.

The master's programme East Asian Studies (one year, 60 ECTS)is a specialization within the Master's Degree in International Relations. It focuses on the political economy of contemporary East Asia, in particular the political economies of China, Japan and Korea. Students will be able to participate in courses taught by historians, economists, experts in international relations or law, and guest-speakers. They will gain knowledge on the top-three economies in East Asia and develop oral, written and research skills to analyze developments from a regional and global perspective.

Course: The Rise of East Asia

A unique cluster of the highly performing Asian economies has been called ‘the biggest economic sensation of the post-war decades’ or even ‘the Asian miracle’. This course aims at investigating and analyzing two major constituents of this development.

The first topic raises the question as to how it is possible that some East Asian countries have shown such high growth rates, so many rapid industrial developments and quick rises in living standards, but not other countries. The focus here is on China, Japan, Korea and Mongolia.

The second topic pertains to the theoretical debates concerning the rise of the region. Case studies are used to develop insights into the political and economic identity of each country. The similarities and differences of political and economic development policies, institutions and reform approaches, and the challenges for more equitable and sustainable development in these countries, at local and global levels, are analyzed.

Combining lectures, invited guest lectures, student group discussions and presentations, this course also aims at offering the students opportunities to develop multi-disciplinary perspectives in analyzing the rise of East Asia.

Laatst gewijzigd:06 december 2022 07:43