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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. T. (Tim) Busscher


Gaming the Future of Infrastructure Planning: Playing the Serious Game InfraLife

Open strategizing by public organizations: a qualitative comparative analysis of recent practices in Dutch infrastructure planning

Drivers of innovation in infrastructure development projects: A configurational analysis of boundary spanning roles

Enabling boundary spanners in public–private collaboration: The impact of support and role autonomy on reducing role stress

How do polycentric governance systems adapt? The role of forums explored in Dutch metropolitan areas

Interactive game: Multi-modal networks

Limits to participation in road infrastructure planning: Which choices do citizens make when their valued landscapes are under pressure?

Maritime transport governance challenges in the Global South

Port-Cities and Sustainable Development in Indonesia: The Case of Patimban Port and Rebana Metropolitan Area

Programmamanagement bij Rijkswaterstaat: State of the art in theorie en praktijk


'Kijk ook naar de lange termijn van de Infrastructuur in Nederland'

‘The solution to the traffic jam problem lies in public transport’

‘The solution to the traffic jam problem lies in public transport’

'De oplossing voor het fileprobleem ligt in het openbaar vervoer'

De file is terug van eventjes weggeweest

Haarlem is 'filestad van Nederland', hoe komt de stad van die eerste plek af?

BREEKT | Nederland moet onverminderd blijven investeren in asfalt

Making Room for the River: which policy interventions bring benefits in river rehabilitation?

Update onderzoek NWO-NGInfra: Slim investeren in de toekomst

Reactie op voorgestelde infrastructuurfonds