prof. dr. S. (Sofia) Voutsaki

Teaching and supervising
Undergraduate courses: Aegean Prehistory, Art and Archaeology of Classical Greece, Archaeological theory, Probelantic Classics
Graduate courses: Archaeology Today, The Archaeology of Death, Death as a Mirror of Life, Heritage
BA and MA theses: On different topics in Aegean prehistory, Mortuary studies, Classical Archaeology, Public Archaeology, Heritage
PhD topics
Students interested in the Greek mainland in the Bronze Age, mortuary practices (from the Bronze Age to Byzantine Greece), the integration of archaeological data and scientific methods, the study of imagery, public archaeology and the history of the discipline can contact me to find out about possibilities to do a PhD in Groningen. Other topics can also be considered.
PhD topics supervised:
- Minoan architecture
- Mycenaean Thebes
- Mortuary practices in the Middle Helladic Argolid
- Domestic architecture and domestic assemblages in Early Helladic III – Late Helladic I mainland Greece
- Stable isotope analysis, diet and mobility in Early Iron Age Thessaly
- Changing Identities and mortuary practices in post-classical Patras, Peloponnese
- A bioarchaeological analysis of Mycenaean cemeteries in Achaia
- Minoan households
- Mortuary practices in Mesolithic Japan
- Osteoarchaeological analysis of cemeteries in Roman Macedonia
- Osteoarchaeological analysis of cemeteries in Sparta
- Mortuary practices in MH western Greece
- The emergence of imagery in EH and MH southern mainland
- Animal husbandry in Classical - Hellenistic - Roman Thessaly
- The use of pigs in LBA - EIA Aegean
- Osteoarchaeological analysis of cemeteries in Roman Beirut
- Osteoarchaeological analysis of cemeteries in Roman Pisidia, Turkey
- Management of archaeological sites in Greece
- Radiocarbon analysis and the Thera eruption
- Cultural identities and mortuary practices in Roman Thessaloniki
Laatst gewijzigd: | 10 september 2022 16:25 |