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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. S. (Steffie) van der Steen


Teacher-student interactions of autistic adolescents: Relationships between teacher autonomy support, structure, involvement and student engagement

Children's multimodal coordination during collaborative problem solving

Effects of a reading dog programme on reading skills and task-related behaviour in special needs education

Interactions between teachers and students with autism spectrum disorder in mainstream secondary education: Fundamental, yet under-researched

Observational Behaviors and Emotions to Assess Welfare of Dogs: A Systematic Review

The Relationship Between Parent-Child Movement Synchrony and Social Behavior of Children Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Children Diagnosed with Down Syndrome

Group Changes in Cortisol and Heart Rate Variability of Children with Down Syndrome and Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder during Dog-Assisted Therapy

What do we currently know about the development of talent? A systematic review in the soccer context

Easier Said Than Done? Task Difficulty's Influence on Temporal Alignment, Semantic Similarity, and Complexity Matching Between Gestures and Speech

Het werkende dier


Hulphond kan jongere met mentale problemen veel brengen

Hulphond helpt Kim (25) uit haar nachtmerrie

RUG nomineert robothond en wiskundige formules voor Klokhuis Wetenschapsprijs

Activiteiten in de natuur hebben positieve impact op kinderen met autisme

Benefits of a school dog

Wetenschappers en jongeren onderzoeken samen hoe aanvraag psychosociale hulphond beter kan

Investigadora hermosillense busca la inclusión de niños con autismo en escuelas

De opmars van de Schoolhond (F. Smit)

Podcast interview 'Inside Education'

Veni, Vidi, Vici Hondentherapie