S. (Simona) Rusanescu, PhD

Simona Rusanescu is an Assistant Professor of Financial Accounting at the Faculty of Economics and Business (University of Groningen) which she joined in August of 2018. She is tenured since January of 2022. Simona teaches Master and Bachelor courses in accounting. She obtained a PhD in Accounting and Finance and a Master in Financial Management and Advanced Accounting from Universitat Jaume I (Spain). Her research interests lie primarily in the areas of financial reporting, auditing, and corporate governance, with a particular interest on their effects on debt contracting. She is also interested in business groups, multinational corporations, and private firms. Simona has published in Accounting and Business Research, Spanish Accounting Review, and Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting.
Garcia Osma, B., Gill-de-Albornoz Noguer, B., de las Heras Cristobal, E., & Rusanescu, S. 2022. Opinion-Shopping: Firm versus Partner-Level Evidence. Accounting and Business Research , 52(7), 773–814. https://doi.org/10.1080/00014788.2021.1945909
Gill-de-Albornoz Noguer, B., & Rusanescu, S. 2022. Foreign versus Local Control of Spanish Private Subsidiaries and Modified Audit Opinions. Revista de Contabilidad - Spanish Accounting Review , 25(2), 217-232. https://revistas.um.es/rcsar/article/view/411081/325431
Gill-de-Albornoz Noguer, B., & Rusanescu, S. 2018. Foreign Ownership and Financial Reporting Quality in Private Subsidiaries. Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting/Revista Española de Financiación y Contabilidad , 47(2), 181-213. https://doi.org/10.1080/02102412.2017.1394104
Private Information and Bank-Loan Pricing: The Effect of Upcoming Corporate Spinoffs (with Ole-Kristian Hope, Vlad-Andrei Porumb, and Dushyantkumar Vyas), 30 January 2023, (Submitted) In: Social Science Research Network. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4193898
Laatst gewijzigd: | 03 juli 2023 14:23 |