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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons S.R.A. (Steef) Konings, Dr


From administrative data to improved schizophrenia care: on economic modelling of psychotic disorders in a Dutch setting

Moving from supported to independent living: what are the barriers and facilitators for individuals with psychosis?

Evaluating the reactogenicity of COVID-19 vaccines from network-meta analyses

Life years lost for users of specialized mental healthcare

Pralsetinib for RET Fusion-Positive Advanced Non-small-Cell Lung Cancer: An Evidence Review Group Perspective of a NICE Single Technology Appraisal

Reducing the Burden of Disease Through Tobacco Taxes in Mongolia: A Health Impact Analysis Using a Dynamic Public Health Model

The transferability and validity of a population-level simulation model for the economic evaluation of interventions in diabetes: The MICADO model

Episode detection based on personalized intensity of care thresholds: a schizophrenia case study

Prediction of mortality and major cardiovascular complications in type 2 diabetes: External validation of UKPDS outcomes model version 2 in two European observational cohorts

Designing and Testing of a Health-Economic Markov Model for Prevention and Treatment of Early Psychosis