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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons S.L. (Santi Luca) Famà, BA

S.L. (Santi Luca) Famà, BA

Profielfoto van S.L. (Santi Luca) Famà, BA


Stockholm University, Department of Romance Studies and Classics (SE) -- Ph.D. Candidate in Italian Literature (Feb 2020-Now)

University of Groningen, Faculty of Arts (NL) -- Research Master in Literary and Cultural Studies (Sept 2017 – Aug 2019)

University of Catania (IT) -- Bachelor in Humanities (Sept 2013 – Nov 2016)



Famà, Santi Luca. «Come se»: Transcending the Human-Animal divide in Pirandello’s short stories”. In Crossing Borders: Transnational Modernism Beyond the Human, eds. A. Godioli and C. Van den Bergh, Leiden: Brill, 2023, pp. 177–198. DOI

Famà, Santi Luca. 2023. “Decentering the Human through Narrative Forms: The ‘Impossible Closure’ of Gadda’s That Awful Mess and VanderMeer’s Southern Reach Trilogy”. Incontri. Rivista Europea Di Studi Italiani 37 (1), 2023. DOI

Famà, Santi Luca. “«A Bundle of Countless Relations and Situations»: Carlo Emilio Gadda and the Question of Human (and) Nature”. In Italian Studies across Disciplines. Interdisciplinarity, New Approaches and Future Directions, eds. M. Ceravolo and A. Finozzi, Roma: Aracne Editrice, 2022, pp. 267-292.

Famà, Santi Luca. “«In the Blissful Unconsciousness of Beasts»: Nonhumanity in Luigi Pirandello’s Novelle per un anno”, Pirandello Studies vol. n. 40, 2020, pp. 22 - 36.


Famà, Santi Luca. Review of La brodaglia e le pentole. Le raccolte “solariane” di Gadda: verso uno studio della politestualità narrativa by Mathijs Duyck. Annali d’italianistica 39 (2021). 583-585.

Famà, Santi Luca. Review of The Society of Pirandello Studies 2019 Conference ““Maledetto sia Copernico!”: Pirandello and revolutions in contemporary science, philosophy, epistemology and aesthetics”. The Society for Italian Studies. June 12th, 2020. URL


Famà, S. L. 2022. “Towards a Post-Anthropocentric Narration. Comparing Gadda’s and VanderMeer’s Storyworld Building”. Paper presented at the ASLE-UKI Biennial Conference: Northumbria 2022 Epochs, Ages, and Cycles: Time and the Environment, Newcastle upon Tyne, 6–8 September.

Famà, S. L. 2022. “Genres, Forms, and the Narrator’s Aim: Advantages and Limitations of a Reciprocally Affecting Relationship in the Case of Post-Anthropocentric Literature”. Paper presented at the workshop The Uses of Form: Theory – Methodology – Pedagogy, virtual, 22-23 July.

Famà, S. L. 2022. “Italy and Post-Anthropocentric Studies. Nonhumanity in Italian Literature (1900- Today)”. Panel organized and chaired at the annual conference of the Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA), virtual, 10-13 March.

Laatst gewijzigd:24 mei 2024 15:35