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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. S.J. (Sipco) Vellenga


Islamofobie en het Israëlisch-Palestijnse conflict als splijtzwammen: Over twee gelijktijdige Kristallnachtherdenkingen in Amsterdam (1992-2018)

Securitization, Islamic chaplaincy, and the issue of (de)radicalization of Muslim detainees in Dutch prisons

Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia in the Netherlands: concepts, developments, and backdrops

Cooperation in Turbulent Times: Strategies of Jews and Muslims in Amsterdam

Criticism of Islam: Responses of Dutch Religious and Humanist Organizations Analyzed

Ritual Slaughter, Animal Welfare and the Freedom of Religion: A Critical Discourse Analysis of a Fierce Debate in the Dutch Lower House


Theoloog: ‘Zolderimam weet niet wat jongeren bezighoudt’