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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. S. (Steven) Hoekstra

Research interests

I am an experimental physicist specialised in the development and application of precision measurement techniques to explore the limits of particle physics. In my group we perform experiments with small quantum systems (atoms, ions, molecules) and nanoparticles. The main tools we use to study these particles are lasers, and external electric and magnetic fields. The experiments we do are typically in a very well controlled environment, shielded from all unwanted background. By doing this, the subtle effects of quantum physics become visible, and we can use these atoms, ions, molecules and nanoparticles for a range of exciting experiments. 

More information can be found on my personal webpage.


Measuring the electric dipole moment of the electron in BaF

Static Trapping of Polar Molecules in a Traveling Wave Decelerator

Deceleration and trapping of heavy diatomic molecules using a ring-decelerator

Optical pumping of trapped neutral molecules by blackbody radiation

Near-threshold inelastic collisions using molecular beams with a tunable velocity

Influence of source parameters on the longitudinal phase-space distribution of a pulsed cryogenic beam of barium fluoride molecules

Manipulating a beam of barium fluoride molecules using an electrostatic hexapole

Opportunities for fundamental physics research with radioactive molecules

Pathway to cool hot molecules

P, T-odd effects in YbCu, YbAg, and YbAu


Zware moleculen stilgezet voor precisiemeting

Moleculen stilzetten om nieuwe fysica te ontdekken

Opposites solve the mystery of matter

Zwaartekrachtsgolfdetector kan 4000 keer kleiner

Standing still is progress - article in University of Groningen Newspaper

Standing still is progress - article in University Newspaper

Eens zien of een electron echt rond is

Where is the party? Science and the masses

Where is the party? Science and the masses

Wetenschap en de massa - Waar is het feestje?