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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. ir. S.G. (Gerd) Weitkamp


Challenges and opportunities during the COVID-19 pandemic: A layered vulnerabilities perspective

Enhancing GeoHealth: A step-by-step procedure for spatiotemporal disease mapping

‘I choose the quiet roads’: Everyday mobility in later life on the urban–rural continuum of the Northern Netherlands

Interviewing in the metaverse: The renewed importance of location and embodiment

Making use of sense of place in amalgamated municipalities

Maternal and perinatal mortality: Geospatial analysis of inequality in pregnancy and perinatal mortality in Ethiopia

Seasonal differences in mobility and activity space in later life: a case study of older adults in the Northern Netherlands

Correction to: E-bikes in rural areas: current and potential users in the Netherlands

E-bikes in rural areas: current and potential users in the Netherlands

Mapping spatial opportunities for urban climate adaptation measures in public and private spaces using a GIS-based Decision Support Model


Dit zijn volgens fietsers de meest onveilige kruisingen in Stad en Ommeland

Groningen ligt vol gevaarlijke kruispunten

Dit vinden fietsers het veiligste kruispunt in Stad

Fietsenchaos? Niet ons probleem

Digital Skills for everybody

A glimpse into virtual reality

'Leg fietssnelwegen aan om op snelle e-bike naar werk te fietsen'