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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. S.G. Brederoo


A comparative analysis of colour–emotion associations in 16–88-year-old adults from 31 countries

Content-based clustering of hallucinations across sensory modalities in a large online survey

Gevoel van aanwezigheid (felt presence): verband met hallucinatiegevoeligheid

The experience of felt presence in a general population sample

The role of religiosity types in the phenomenology of hallucinations: A large cross-sectional community-based study in a predominantly Muslim society

Acoustic speech markers for schizophrenia-spectrum disorders: a diagnostic and symptom-recognition tool

Assessing coherence through linguistic connectives: Analysis of speech in patients with schizophrenia-spectrum disorders

Cross-cultural Differences in Hallucinations: A Comparison Between Middle Eastern and European Community-Based Samples

Herkennen van depressie met computationele taalanalyse

Natural Language Processing Markers for Psychosis and Other Psychiatric Disorders: Emerging Themes and Research Agenda From a Cross-Linguistic Workshop


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