S.A. (Simon) Speksnijder

Simon A. Speksnijder, M.Phil.
Personal information
Surname: Speksnijder
First names: Simon Arthur
E-mail: s.a.speksnijder@rug.nl
Professional experience
2009-present: PhD candidate in Ancient History, University of Groningen (RUG).
- Dissertation: ‘Greeting and eating in Roman society’
2014-2015: Lecturer in History, University of Groningen.
2012: Temporary lecturer in History, University of Groningen.
Academic background
2008 - 2009: MPhil in Classics, Christ’s College, University of Cambridge.
2006 - 2006: MPhil in Ancient History (cum laude), University of Leiden (UL).
2007: Study/research semester at School of Classics, University of St. Andrews.
2003 - 2006: BA in History, University of Leiden.
Forthcoming: ‘The elusive vestibulum: investigating a mismatch between literary and material sources on Roman domestic space’ (presently under review).
‘Beyond “public” and “private”: accessibility and visibility during salutationes’ (under review, accepted).
2011: ‘The elusive vestibulum: a comparison of the archaeological and literary sources on Roman domestic waiting areas’, AIACNews: Bollettino quadrimestrale dell’Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia 7.3, 10-11.
2006: ‘Aegyptiaca: Egyptische en egyptianiserende materiële cultuur in Rome tijdens het Principaat’, Leidschrift 21.3, 81-95.
Book reviews
C. Grandjean, C. Hugoniot and B. Lion (eds.), Le banquet du monarque dans le monde antique. Rennes/ Tours. Published online by Bryn Mawr Classical Review (November 2013): http://bmcr.brynmawr.edu/2013/2013-11-51.html.
Papers and lectures
2013: ‘Vestibula, or investigating a mismatch between literary and material sources’, conference ‘Between words and walls: material and textual approaches to housing in the Graeco-Roman world’, Birkbeck, University of London.
‘Gesturing and kissing like the other? An investigation of the rejection and adoption of social kissing at Rome’, CRASIS master-class ‘Cultural encounters in the ancient Mediterranean’, University of Groningen.
2012: ‘Salutationes: the display of social relationships in the Roman domus’, conference ‘Public and private in the Roman house and society’ organised by the University of Helsinki, New York University.
‘Roman imperial salutationes’, OIKOS master-class ‘The use of the past in Antiquity’, Royal Dutch Institute in Rome.
‘The perils of networking at Rome’, CRASIS master-class ‘Cultures of networks in the ancient Mediterranean’, University of Groningen.
2011: ‘The elusive vestibulum: comparing the literary and archaeological sources on Roman domestic waiting areas’, AIAC-meeting, Swedish Institute at Rome.
‘Roman greeting rituals: creating social hierarchies’, CRASIS Ancient World Seminar, University of Groningen.
‘Romeinse begroetingsrituelen: sociale hiërarchie en mobiliteit’, OIKOS Oudhistorici-dag, University of Ghent.
2010: ‘Showing and shaping Roman social identities: eating and greeting rituals’, U4 Winter School ‘Identity and cultural transfer in Antiquity’, Netherlands Institute in Athens.
2009: ‘The salutatio’, Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient History (AMPAH), University of Reading.
Other talks
2014: 'Van have Caesar tot de kus: groeten bij de Romeinen', invited lecture for members of the Dutch Classical Association (NKV), Assen.
2013: ‘Eten bij de Romeinen: gelijkheid en ongelijkheid aan tafel’, nvited lecture for members of the NKV, Groningen.
Research grants and awards
2014: Visiting PhD student at the Royal Dutch Institute in Rome (May-April)
2011: Visiting PhD student at the Royal Dutch Institute in Rome (October-November).
2008: Huygens Scholarship Programme (Dutch Governmental fund) grant for study at the University of Cambridge.
Honorary Cambridge European Trust Scholar.
Part-cost Bursary, Christ’s College, Cambridge.
Visiting research student at the Royal Dutch Institute in Rome (March-May).
Laatst gewijzigd: | 01 maart 2024 12:29 |