R. (Robert) Wagenaar

Number of projects/tender applications for which a grant was awarded in
competition: 42
Total amount obtained for grants awarded (in competition): € 35.114.843
Project co-coordinator EU KA2 Cooperation Partnerships in Higher Education, Project Supporting Teachers Who Support Student Transition (START), co-financed by the European Commission (May 2022 - July 2025)
Co-author and partner KA2 Cooperation Partnerships in Higher Education, Project eWBL (Jan. 2022 - March 2025)
Project Director EU KA2 Capacity Building Project Measuring and Comparing Achievements of Learning Outcomes Higher Education in Asia (CALOHEA), co-financed by the European Commission (Jan. 2021- March 2024)
Project Director EU KA2 Capacity Building Project ACE – Aprendizaje Centrado en el Estudiante en América del Sur, co-financed by European Commission (Jan. 2020 - March 2024)
Project Director EU KA3 Forward Looking Cooperation Programme Project ‘Measuring and Comparing Achievements of Learning Outcomes in Higher Education In Europe II (CALOHE2)’, co-financed by the European Commission (Jan. 2020 - Feb. 2023).
Project Director EU KA3 Forward Looking Cooperation Programme Project ‘Measuring and Comparing Achievements of Learning Outcomes in Higher Education In Europe Extension (CALOHEX)’, co-financed by the European Commission (Jan.2020 - Nov.2023)
Director EU KA2 Capacity Building PROJECT FORTH - Formation of Teachers in Challenged Areas, co-financed by European Commission (Nov.2019 - July 2023)
Director Knowledge Alliance EU-KA2-project Integrating Entrepreneurship and Work Based Learning in Higher Education (WEXHE), co-financed by European Commission (2017 - 2020)
Director EU-China II Study, co-financed by European Commission and Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China (2017-2019)
Director of the feasibility study CALOHEE - Measuring and Comparing Achievements of Learning Outcomes in Higher Education in Europe, co-financed by the European Commission (2015-2017)
Director of the study Tuning EU-USA II, co-financed by the European Commission and the Lumina Foundation (USA) and supported by the US government (2013-2016)
Joint-Director (with dr. Xianjin Dou, Director Director of Lifelong Education Chinese National Centre of Education Development Research, Ministry of Education P.R.China) EU-China Tuning Study, which is co-financed by the European Commission and the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China (2012-2014)
Director of the Tempus Project TuCAHEA (2012-2016)
Director Tuning Canada-EU Tuning Feasibility Study: Enhanced cooperation in Higher Education between the EU and Canada by aligning standards and reference points (Contract number: EAC 2011-0297) (2011-2012). Included site visits to the Universities of York University, Toronto, Ontario, Université Laval, Québec City, Québec, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, University of Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan.
Director of the study Tuning EU-USA I, co-financed by the European Commission and the Lumina Foundation (USA) and supported by the US government (2011-2012).
Director of the feasibility study Tuning Australia, co-financed by the Australian Government and the European Commission (EAC-2010-1006-000-001) (2010-2011). Included site visits to: Australian Learning & Training Council (ALTC) (Sidney), Australian Universities Quality Agency (Melbourne), Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) (Melbourne), Monash University (Melbourne), Queensland University of Technology (QUT) (Brisbane), Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) (Canberra), ANU Quality & Standard's Committee (Canberra).
Member of the Coordinating Committee of the feasibility study on Tuning Africa, commissioned by the European Commission (2010-2011)
Director of the Sectoral Qualifications Project HUMART, Humanities and Performing and Creative Disciplines co-financed by the European Commission (2010-2012)
Director of the project Tuning Lithuania: Development of the Concept of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) at the National Level: Harmonization of the Credit and Implementation of the Learning Outcomes Based Study Programme Design (VP1-2.2-SMM-08-V-01-001}. Financed by EU Social Fund (2009-2012)
Joint Director with prof. H.L.M.Hermans of the External Cooperation Windows Programme with Mexico (Lot 18) involving 20 European and Mexican Universities.(2009-2013)
Joint Director Tuning – AHELO project for the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD – Paris) (2009)
Joint Director with prof H.L.M. Hermans of the ECW / Erasmus Mundus II project with Mexico and Central America (Lot 20) involving 20 universities from Europe, Mexico and Central America)(2008-2012)
Director of the TEMPUS – JEP project Application of the Tuning Approaches in Georgian Higher Education System (UM_JEP-27200-2006 (GE) (2007-2009)
Joint Director (with Julia González, Deusto University, Bilbao) of the TEMPUS project Tuning Southeast and East Europe II (2007- 2008)
Director of the TEMPUS project Tuning Educational programmes in Russian Higher Education Institutions (SCM_SM-T027B05-2005)(2006-2007)
Director of the Euroculture Network. Network of eight universities offering the MA programme Euroculture (2005 -)
Chair of Programme Directors of the Erasmus Mundus programme of Excellence Euroculture: Europe in the wider world (2006 -)
Joint Director (with Julia González, Deusto University, Bilbao) of the EuropeAid - ALFA EU project Tuning America Latina I and II (2004-2008)
Joint Director (with Julia González, Deusto University, Bilbao) of the TEMPUS projects Tuning Southeast and East Europe I (2005 -2008)
Member of the Steering Committee of the Thematic Network for History, CLIOH-net (2001 - 2005).
Joint Director (with Julia González, Deusto University, Bilbao) of the EC project Tuning Educational Structures in Europe I (2000-2002) (76 higher education institutions directly involved, Tuning Educational Structures in Europe – Phase II (2003-2004) (135 higher education institutions directly involved), Tuning Educational Structures in Europe III: Validation, dissemination and further development: (2005-2006) (145 higher education institutions and some 25 TNPs directly involved ) and Tuning IV; Curricular Reform Taking Shape. Learning Outcomes and Competences in Higher Education (2006 – 2009) (145 higher education institutions and some 25 TNPs directly involved} Web site : address: http://tuning.unideusto.org/tuningeu.
Member of the Steering Committee of the CDI programme CLIOH (2000 - 2005) (40 participating institutions)
Member of the Steering Committee of the CDA programme EUROCULTURE (1997-2000)
Project and Academic Co-ordinator of the Curriculum Development Programme History of the Idea and Reality of Europe. SOCRATES programme (26 participating institutions) (1997-2000)
Project and Academic Co-ordinator of the Curriculum Development Programme History of the Idea and Reality of Europe in the ERASMUS programme (26 participating institutions) (1995-1997)
Amount / Role / Type / Duration
€ 330.000 / Co-coordinator / KA2 EU KA2 Cooperation Partnerships in Higher Education, Project Supporting Teachers Who Support Student Transition (START) / 2022-2025
€ 380.185 / Co-author / Partner / KA2 Cooperation Partnerships in Higher Education, Project eWBL / 2022 - 2025
€ 999.178 / Applicant, Grant holder / Director / KA2 Capacity Building Project Measuring and Comparing Achievements of Learning Outcomes in Higher Education in Asia (CALOHEA) / 2021-2024
€4.397.000 / Applicant, Grant holder, Author with Prof.Dr. Janny de Jong, Dr. Senka Neuman-Stanivukovic and Prof. Dr. Margriet van der Waal / Chair of Board of Programme Directors / Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree Euroculture / 2020-2026
€ 996.450 / Applicant, Grant holder / Author / Director / KA2 Capacity Building Project Latin America ACE / 2020-2024
€ 500.000 / Author, Grant holder / Director / KA3 – Forward Looking Cooperation Projects: Feasibility study CALOHEE Extension / 2020-2023
€ 500.000 / Applicant, Grant holder / Author / Director / KA3 – Forward Looking Cooperation Projects: Feasibility study CALOHEE II / 2020-2023
€ 999.722 / Applicant, Grant holder, Co-author with Julia Gonzalez, Director / KA2 Capacity Building Project FORTH Philippines / 2019-2023
€ 3.558.000 / Applicant, Grant holder, Author with Prof.Dr. J. de Jong, Chair of Board of Programme Directors Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Course Euroculture / 2017-2022
€ 225.000 / Applicant, Contractor, Main Author, Director / Tender Study Tuning EU-China II / 2017-2019
€ 999.821 / Applicant, Grant holder, Main author, Director / IEWEXHE KA2 Knowledge Alliance 2017-2020
€ 500.000 / Applicant, Grant holder, Director / Feasibility study CALOHEE / 2015-2017
€ 100.000 / Applicant, Contractor, Co-author with Tim Birtwistle, Director / Study EU-USA II / 2013-2016
€ 230.000 / Applicant, Contractor, Author with Y. van der Meer, Director / Tender Feasibility Study Tuning EU-China / 2012-2014
€ 1.161.935 / Applicant, Grant holder, Director / Tempus Project Tuning Central Asia (TUCAHEA) / 2012-2016
€ 2.803.000 (2012: € 623.600; 2013: € 554.400); 2014: € 351.00; 2015: € 601.00; 1916: € 673.000 / Applicant, Grant holder, Authors R.Wagenaar / dr. J. de Jong, Chair Board of Programme Directors / EMMC Euroculture / 2012-2018
€ 60.000 / Applicant, Contractor, Author with Y. van der Meer, Director / Tender Feasibility Study EU-Canada / 2011-2012
€ 1.000.000 / Co-author with P. Beneitone and J. Fongers / Erasmus Mundus II Argentina / EUROPLATA (Grants programme for doctoral students) / 2011-2015
€ 150.000 / Applicant, Contractor, Author with Y. van der Meer, Director / Tender Study EU-USA I / 2011-2012
€ 55.000 / Applicant, Grant holder, Author with Y. van der Meer, Director / Feasibility Study Tuning EU-Australia / 2010-2011
€ 292.809 / Applicant, Grant holder / Author with Y. Van der Meer, Director / SQF Tuning Project HUMART / 2010-2012
€ 177.000 / Applicant, Grant holder, Author with Y. van der Meer, Director / Project Tuning Lithuania / 2010-2012
€ 123.070 / Applicant, Contractor, Co-author, Joint-Director / OECD-Tuning AHELO Project / 2009
€ 165.210 / Co-author / Intensive Programme European Studies (Euroculture), Director of Board of Programme Directors Euroculture / 2009-2012
€ 3.059.875 / Author with P. Beneitone, Joint Director / ECW Mexico and Central America (Lot 20) (Grants programme for undergraduate and post-graduate students, post-docs, academic staff) / 2009-2013.
€ 3.998.300 / Author with P. Beneitone, Joint Director / ECW Mexico (Lot 18) (Grants programme for undergraduate and post-graduate students, post-docs, academic staff) 2008-2011.
€ 200.000 / Main author / Sectoral Qualifications Framework Tuning Project Social Sciences / 2008-2010
€ 253.000 / Applicant, Grant holder, Authors R. Wagenaar / dr. J. de Jong, Chair Board of Programme Directors / EMMC Euroculture Action 3: External partners / 2008-2010
€ 3.617.399 / Applicant, Grant holder, Author, Chair of Board of Programme Directors / EMMC Euroculture / 2006-2011
€ 139.735 / Applicant, Grant holder, Author, Director / Intensive Programmes Euroculture / 2006-2008
€ 300.000 / Applicant, Grant holder, Co-author with Y. van der Meer, Director / Tempus Project Tuning Georgia / 2007-2009
€ 63.833 / Applicant, Grant holder, Main author, Joint Director / Tempus SCM project Tuning IV; Curricular Reform Taking Place: Learning Outcomes and Competences in Higher Education / 2007-2008
€ 149.270 / Applicant, Grant holder, Co-author, Director / Tempus Project Tuning Russia / 2006-2007
€ 79.751 / Applicant, Grant holder, Main author, Joint Director / Tempus SCM Project Tuning Educational Structures in Europe -phase III: Validation, Dissemination and Further Development 2005-2006
€ 750.000 / Applicant, Grant holder, Co-author, Joint Director / Tuning Educational Structures in Europe IV / 2006-2009
€ 640.000 / Applicant, Grant holder, Co-author, Joint Director / Tuning Educational Structures in Europe III / 2005-2006
€ 550.000 / Applicant, Grant holder, Co-author, Joint Director / Tuning Educational Structures in Europe II / 2003-2004
€ 500.000 / Applicant, Grant holder, Co-author, Joint Director / Tuning Educational Structures in Europe I / 2001-2003
ECU 6.300 / Applicant, Grant holder, Author, Academic Coordinator / Curriculum Development Programme History of the Idea and Reality of Europe. SOCRATES/ERASMUS programme /1996-1997 (ICP-96-NL5026/08)
ECU 30.000 / Applicant, Grant holder, Author, Academic Coordinator / Student Mobility History SOCRATES/ERASMUS programme /1996-1997 (ICP-96-NL5048/08)
ECU 15.000 / Applicant, Grant holder, Author, Academic Coordinator / Curriculum Development Programme History of the Idea and Reality of Europe SOCRATES/ERASMUS programme /1995-1996 (ICP-95-NL5026/08)
ECU 59.000 / Applicant, Grant holder, Author, Academic Coordinator / Student Mobility History SOCRATES / ERASMUS programme /1995-1996 (ICP-95-NL5048/08)
Laatst gewijzigd: | 19 maart 2023 21:41 |