dr. R.W.A. (Remco) Havenith

Research interests
Dr. Remco W.A. Havenith did his PhD in the theoretical chemistry group of the Debye Institute of the University of Utrecht. He got his PhD in 2001 with the distinction cum laude. After his PhD, he moved to the University of Exeter to work on magnetic response properties, and to Warwick to work on the electron correlation problem. In 2004, he returned to Utrecht on a VENI grant to work on valence bond response properties. After a short stay in Nijmegen, he moved in 2009 to the theoretical chemistry group of the Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials at the University of Groningen. He is currently situated in the Molecular Energy Materials Group, where he works on computational modelling of molecules and materials. He is interested in understanding properties and reactivity in relation to chemical bonding in molecules and materials. He is developer of the TURTLE program, which is a program for valence bond (self-consistent field) and non-orthogonal configuration interaction calculations. He also works on magnetic response theory, and develops methods for the calculation of magnetically induced current densities.