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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. R. (Raun) van Ooijen


Giving with a warm hand: evidence on estate planning and inter-vivos transfers

Healthy working life expectancy and the associated health behaviours among different sociodemographic groups

Implemented disability-related policies and practices and sustained employment of partially disabled employees: evidence from linked survey and register data

Inability to Work Fulltime and the Association with Paid Employment One Year After the Work Disability Assessment: A Longitudinal Register-Based Cohort Study

Adverse effects of personalized automated feedback

Barriers, facilitators and needs for workers’ self-direction in return to work: a multi-perspective study

Discrepancies between workers with disabilities and their supervisors in reported work accommodations and associations with return to work

Ontwikkelen van een interventie om de eigen regie van zieke werknemers te bevorderen tijdens re-integratie

Preferences for in-kind and in-cash home care insurance

Family and government insurance: Wage, earnings, and income risks in the Netherlands and the U.S.


Zijn oudere huiseigenaren nou echt zo rijk of toch niet? ’Ik kan drie keer niets met die overwaarde’

Netspar: gebruik meerdere methoden om risicobereidheid te meten

Meer grip op ziekteverzuim met nieuwe UMCG- datapoort’

Onderzoek: grotere kans op daling inkomen 55-plussers noopt tot minder beleggingsrisico

Nulmeting Nationaal Programma Groningen is huzarenstukje toegepaste wetenschap