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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons R. (Run ) Tan

R. (Run ) Tan

Assisant Professor


2015.12-2019.12   Dr. phil. Education, Bielefeld University

Dissertation: Promoting peer interactions in Chinese inclusive preschool classrooms: Strategies teachers apply for children with Special Educational Needs

2012.06-2014.05   Master’s Degree: Michigan State University (MSU)    

Major: Child Development

2008.09-2012.06   Bachelor’s Degree: Sichuan Normal University                                                                        

Major: English for Teaching (primary and secondary school levels)


2023.11-present    Assistant Professor at the organisational unit of Orthopedagogy & Clinical Educational Science at the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences, Groningen University, Netherlands

2019.10-2023.01    Research associate, substitute for junior professorship "Educational Research with Focus on Heterogeneity" at Binational School of Education in Konstanz University, Germany

2016.10-2019.06    Project manager for BMBF (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research) ‘Biprofessional’ project: ‘Inclusive pedagogy in English teaching classrooms in German secondary schools’ with professor Bettina Amrhein at Bielefeld University, Germany                                                                        

2012.8-2014.05     Research assistant at Human Development and Family studies, Michigan State University

I am a researcher of incluisve education, cross-cultural comparision, early childhood educationm with a PhD awarded by Bielefeld University, Germany. Guided by critical disability theory and cultural–historical framework, I conduct cross cultural comparative studies to examine teachers and teaching assistants’ professional and personal agency for change in inclusive setting, with an emphasize on bringing in the voice of the Global South countries. I am also interested in how inclusive education is perceived and implemented by different stakeholders in the early childhood settings, especially in how children’s social and emotional development can be influenced in the process.

Laatst gewijzigd:22 februari 2024 11:56