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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. R.S.N. (Rudolf) Fehrmann

Research interests

My practical and theoretical background enables me to take an integrative omics approach to identify driver genetic alterations, genes and biological pathways that are relevant for the pathophysiological behaviour and treatment response of tumors and rapidly translate these findings to clinical practice.

In addition to my training as a medical doctor, I completed one full year of Mathematics and Computer Science, after which I continued to obtain my MSc degree in Cognitive Science and Engineering.

In parallel to my medical studies, I worked for several years as a bio-informatician at the Department of Genetics, UMCG. In 2010, I obtained my PhD on high dimensional data analysis for new insights into ovarian cancer phenotypes, after which I continued as an affiliated post-doc at the Departments of Genetics and Medical Oncology (UMCG).

I followed the residency program in Internal Medicine / Medical Oncology and now work as a medical oncologist (staff member) at the department of Medical Oncology at the UMCG. In addition, I am a principal investigator at the Cancer Research Center Groningen in the research programmes: ‘Guided Treatment in Optimal Selected Cancer Patients (GUTS)’ and ‘Damage and Repair in Cancer Development and Cancer (DARE)’.


128P - Whole blood transcriptomics identifies transcriptional patterns linked to outcomes in patients receiving immune checkpoint inhibitors

Exploring combinations of dimensionality reduction, transfer learning, and regularization methods for predicting binary phenotypes with transcriptomic data

Functional ex vivo DNA fibre assay to measure replication dynamics in breast cancer tissue

Identification of new head and neck squamous cell carcinoma molecular imaging targets

Independent transcriptional patterns reveal biological processes associated with disease-free survival in early colorectal cancer

Longitudinal gut microbiome changes in immune checkpoint blockade-treated advanced melanoma

MET-receptor targeted fluorescent imaging and spectroscopy to detect multifocal papillary thyroid cancer

Potential imaging targets in primary head and neck squamous cell carcinoma and lymph node metastases

Andere ontwikkelingen in het kankeronderzoek: Toepassing kunstmatige intelligentie in de oncologie

Association of a Mediterranean Diet With Outcomes for Patients Treated With Immune Checkpoint Blockade for Advanced Melanoma


KWF-subsidie voor onderzoek naar werking immuuntherapie bij triple-negatieve borstkanker

UMCG krijgt miljoen euro voor onderzoek naar therapie bij agressieve borstkanker

UMCG krijgt miljoen euro voor onderzoek naar therapie bij agressieve borstkanker

Prangende vragen én antwoorden over artificial intelligence in de zorg

Artificial Intelligence in Medical Oncology

Interview on Artificial Intelligence in Medical Oncology

Vlog: YAG Interdisciplinary Project

Looking back: ECR Lunch on work / life balance

UMCG krijgt subsidie voor onderzoek naar kanker

Press releases: Gene expression analysis identifies global gene dosage sensitivity in cancer