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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. R.S. (Rampal) Etienne

Research interests

I am interested in the processes that shape the world around us, particularly the biological diversity, and on developing theoretical models and methods to infer these processes from observational data. I am fascinated by biology, resulting in a broad range of collaborations on, for example, population consequences of bovine tuberculosis in African buffalo, aggregation behavior in fruit flies, the visual system in cichlids and its role in phenotypic plasticity, the evolutionary potential of spider mites to adapt to new host plants in the presence of sister species, the diversification of microbes in a chemostat, the interactions of annual plants with perennial potential nurse species in an arid landscape, and population genetics of whales.


Impact of evolutionary relatedness on species diversification and tree shape

Canids in a changing climate: Predicting range shifts and evolutionary rescue under distinct future scenarios

Island biogeography of the megadiverse plant family Asteraceae

Phylogenetic tree statistics: A systematic overview using the new R package 'treestats'

Phylogenetic tree statistics: A systematic overview using the new R package 'treestats'

Can we ignore trait-dependent colonization and diversification in island biogeography?

DAISIE package for R: Dynamical Assembly of Islands by Speciation, Immigration and Extinction

DDD package for R: Diversity-Dependent Diversification

Evolutionary radiation in canids following continental colonizations

From fossils to living canids: Two contrasting perspectives on biogeographic diversification


Two 6.7 million grants for FSE researchers from Dutch Research Agenda

Afgezonderde madeliefjes: de verbazingwekkende biodiversiteit van Asteraceae op oceanische eilanden

Grote honingspeurder leert lokale lokroepen van mensen

Mutation rates in whales found to be much higher than previously reported

Massavaccinatie remt juist de ontwikkeling van nieuwe virusvarianten | Opinie


Descartes-Huygensprijs 2020 en 23.000 euro voor Groningse RUG-hoogleraar

Herstel vogelstand Nieuw-Zeeland duurt minstens 50 miljoen jaar