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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons R.M. (Roelof) Salomons


Corporate control rights and the long-run equity risk premium

A theoretical and practical perspective on the equity risk premium

An economic, empirical, and emerging perspective on the equity risk premium

Atactical implication of predictability: fighting the FED model

A tactical implication of predictability: fighting the FED model

Expect something sensible: putting US terms in an international perspective

Expert something sensible: putting US returns in an international perspective

Monetary transmission and equity markets in the EU

Monetary transmission and equity markets in the EU

Value investing in emerging markets: local macroeconomic risk and extrapolation

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Zorgondernemer Marius Touwen over maatschappelijk investeren

Ad Louter (Nucleair Nederland) over de noodzaak van kernenergie

Economenpanel over de ECB die nog meer gaat vergroenen