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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. R.M. (Remco) Knooihuizen


The association between multilingual experience factors and cognitive functioning in older adults: A Lifelines study

Intergenerational language transmission of Frisian and Low Saxon in the Netherlands

Minority language happiness: The link between social inclusion, well-being, and speaking a regional language in the northern Netherlands

Multiple estimates of the Frisian and Low Saxon speaker population size in the Netherlands

The effects of language learning on cognitive functioning and psychosocial well-being in cognitively healthy older adults: A semi-blind randomized controlled trial

The phonology of Shetland Norn: Preaspiration and vowel length in Jakobsen’s Etymological Dictionary

The relationship between bilingual engagement and cognitive aging in regional minority-majority language contexts: A Lifelines study

Foreign language learning as a potential healthy aging tool to stimulate cognition and well-being in older adults: A randomized controlled study

Foreign language learning as a potential healthy aging tool to stimulate cognition and well-being in older adults: A randomized controlled study

Late-life language learning as a socially and cognitively stimulating leisure activity in healthy older adults and those with a history of depression


Logopedie voor transgenderpersonen: ‘Stemgeluid heeft een grote sociale betekenis’

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