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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. R.J.H. (Robert) Klein-Douwel


NCN concentration and interfering absorption by CH2O, NH and OH in low pressure methane/air flames with and without N2O

Ingelijst: Zinderende biodiesel

Time- and space-resolved quantitative LIF measurements of formaldehyde in a heavy-duty diesel engine

Biodiesel soot incandescence and NO emission studied in an optical engine

Cyclic Oxygenates: A New Class of Second-Generation Biofuels for Diesel Engines

Gas Density and Rail Pressure Effects on Diesel Spray Growth from a Heavy-Duty Common Rail Injector

Personal webpages: (incl. full publication list)

Soot and chemiluminescence in diesel combustion of bio-derived, oxygenated and reference fuels

Laser-induced fluorescence of NCN in low and atmospheric pressure flames

Diesel combustion: In-cylinder NO concentrations in relation to injection timing


Waarom kunnen vogels rustig op hoogspanningskabels zitten?

Waarom zijn zwart en wit geen kleuren?

De schoonste biodiesel