dr. R.G. (Rob) Withagen

University degrees
2005:Ph.D. Human Movement Sciences, Faculty of Human Movement Sciences, Free University, Amsterdam
2000:M.Sc. Theoretical Psychology (cum laude), Faculty of Social Sciences, Leiden University, Leiden
Withagen, R. (2022). Affective Gibsonian Psychology. New York: Routledge.
Withagen, R. (2013). Een bewogen fundament: De filosofische grondslagen van de bewegingswetenschappen. Rotterdam: 2010 Uitgevers.
Articles in international journals
Withagen, R., van der Kamp, J., & Woods, C.T. (2025). Conceptualizing the environment in a time of ecological collapse. Ecological Psychology, 37, 83-92.
Withagen, R. (2025). The Gibsonian movement and Koffka’ Principles of Gestalt Psychology. Theory & Psychology, 35, 61-77.
Jeschke, A.M., Caljouw, S.R., Zaal, F.T.J.M., Withagen, R. (2024) Designing stepping-stones landscapes: a 2D perspective does not lead to more standardization than an in-situ perspective. Frontiers in Psychology, 15: 1360198.
Withagen, R. (2024). Review of Kinaesthesia in the psychology, philosophy and culture of human experience. Roger Smith, London, Routledge, 2023. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, 60, e22298.
Bruineberg, J., Withagen, R., & van Dijk, L. (2024). Productive pluralism: The coming of age of ecological psychology. Psychological Review, 131, 993–1006.
Withagen, R. (2023). The field of invitations. Ecological Psychology, 35, 102-115.
Jeschke, A. M., Withagen, R., Zaal, F. T. J. M., & Caljouw, S. R. (2023). Attractive stepping stones landscapes: Preference for stone height variation appears to be age independent. Ecological Psychology, 35, 117-135.
Jeschke, A.M., Caljouw, S.R., Zaal, F.T.J.M., & Withagen, R. (2022). Height, size, and/or gap width variation in jumping stone configurations: Which form of variation attracts children the most? Ecological Psychology, 34, 90-108.
Withagen, R., & Costall, A. (2022). What does the concept of affordances afford? Adaptive Behavior, 30, 505-507.
Flach, J., Schotborgh, A., Withagen, R., & Smith, J. (2021). Perception of maximum distance jumpable remains accurate after an intense physical exercise and during recovery. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 83, 3285-3292.
Van der Schaaf, A.L., Jeschke, A.M., Caljouw, S.R., & Withagen, R. (2021). The degree to which traditional play equipment, Parkour play elements, and Aldo van Eyck's play sculptures have an open function. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 29, 293-302.
Jeschke, A.M., de Lange, A.M.M., Withagen, R., & Caljouw, S.R. (2020). Crossing the gap: Older adults do not create less challenging stepping stone configurations than young adults. Frontiers in Psychology, 11: 1657.
Van der Schaaf, A.L., Caljouw, S.R., & Withagen, R. (2020) Are children attracted to play elements with an open function? Ecological Psychology, 32, 79-94.
Van der Kamp, J., Withagen, R. & Orth, D. (2019) On the education of/about radical embodied cognition. Frontiers in Psychology, 10: 2378.
de Wit, M.M., & Withagen, R. (2019). What Should A “Gibsonian Neuroscience” Look Like? Introduction to the Special Issue. Ecological Psychology, 31, 147–151.
Araújo, D., Brymer, E., Brito, H., Withagen, R, & Davids, K. (2019). The empowering variability of affordances of nature: Why do exercisers feel better after performing the same exercise in natural environments than in indoor environments? Psychology of Sport & Exercise, 42, 138-145.
Caljouw, S.R., de Haan, E., Mollee, N., & Withagen, R. (2019). The End of Sitting: How middle-aged employees use and experience a new activity-inducing office over time. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 61, 138-141.
Withagen, R., van der Kamp, J., de Wit, M. (2018). Suboptimalities for sure: Arguments from evolutionary theory. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 41, 223, 41-42.
Withagen, R. (2018). Towards an ecological approach to emotions and the individual differences therein. New Ideas in Psychology, 51, 21-26.
Withagen, R., & van der Kamp, J. (2018). An ecological approach to creativity in making. New Ideas in Psychology, 49, 1-6.
Caljouw, S.R., de Vries, R., & Withagen, R. (2017). RAAAF’s office landscape The End of Sitting: Energy expenditure and temporary comfort when working in non-sitting postures. PLoS ONE 12(11): e0187529.
de Wit, M.M., de Vries, S., van der Kamp, J., & Withagen, R. (2017). Affordances and neuroscience: Steps towards a successful marriage. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 80, 622-629.
Sporrel, K., Caljouw, S.R., & Withagen, R. (2017). Children prefer a nonstandardized to a standardized jumping stone configuration: Playing time and judgments. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 53, 131-137.
Withagen, R., & Caljouw, S.R. (2017). Aldo van Eyck’s playgrounds: Aesthetics, affordances, and creativity. Frontiers in Psychology, 8:1130.
Sporrel, K., Caljouw, S.R., & Withagen, R. (2017). Gap-crossing behavior in a standardized and a nonstandardized jumping stone configuration. PLoS ONE 12(5): e0176165.
Withagen, R., Araujo, D., & de Poel, H.J. (2017). Inviting affordances and agency. New Ideas in Psychology, 45, 11-18.
de Wit, M.M., van der Kamp, J., & Withagen, R. (2016). Gibsonian neuroscience. Theory & Psychology, 26, 413-415.
Withagen, R, & Caljouw, S.R. (2016). The end of sitting: An empirical study on working in an office of the future. Sports Medicine, 46, 1019–1027.
van Dijk, L., & Withagen, R. (2016). Temporalizing agency: Moving beyond on- and offline cognition. Theory & Psychology, 26, 5-26.
Dicks, M., van der Kamp, J., Withagen, R., & Koedijker, J. (2015). “Can we hasten expertise by video simulations?” Considerations from an ecological psychology perspective. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 46, 587-607.
Jongeneel, D, & Withagen, R., & Zaal, F.T.J.M. (2015). Do children create standardized playgrounds? A study on the gap-crossing affordances of jumping stones. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 44, 45-52.
de Vries, S., Withagen, R., & Zaal, F.T.J.M. (2015). Transfer of attunement in length perception by dynamic touch. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 77, 1396-1410.
Prieske, B., Withagen, R., Smith, J., & Zaal, F.T.J.M. (2015). Affordances in a simple playscape: Are children attracted to challenging affordances? Journal of Environmental Psychology, 41, 101-111.
van Dijk, L., Withagen, R., & Bongers, R. M. (2015). Information without content. A Gibsonian reply to enactivists’ worries. Cognition, 134, 210-214.
de Wit, M.M., van der Kamp, J., & Withagen, R. (2015). Visual illusions and direct perception: Elaborating on Gibson's insights. New Ideas in Psychology, 36, 1-9.
Rop, G., & Withagen R. (2014). Perceivers vary in their capacity to benefit from feedback in learning to perceive length by dynamic touch. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 76, 864-876.
van Dijk, L., & Withagen, R. (2014). The horizontal worldview: A Wittgensteinian attitude towards scientific psychology. Theory & Psychology, 24, 3-18.
van der Kamp, J., Withagen, R., & de Wit, M. M. (2013). Cultural and learning differences in the Judd illusion. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 75, 1027-1038.
Withagen, R., de Poel, H. J., Araújo, D, & Pepping, G. J. (2012). Affordances can invite behaviour: Reconsidering the relation between affordances and agency. New Ideas in Psychology, 30, 250-258.
Withagen, R., & Chemero, A. (2012). Affordances and classification: On the significance of a sidebar in James Gibson’s last book. Philosophical Psychology, 25, 521-537.
Withagen, R., & Caljouw, S. (2011). Aging affects attunement in perceiving length by dynamic touch. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 73, 1216-1226.
Withagen, R., & van Wermeskerken, M. (2010). The role of affordances in the evolutionary process reconsidered: A niche construction perspective. Theory & Psychology, 20, 489-510.
Withagen, R., & van der Kamp, J. (2010). Towards a new ecological conception of perceptual information: Lessons from a developmental systems perspective. Human Movement Science, 29, 149-163.
Menger, R., & Withagen, R. (2009). How mechanical context and feedback jointly determine the use of mechanical variables in length perception by dynamic touch. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 71, 1862-1875.
Withagen, R., & Chemero, A. (2009). Naturalizing perception: Developing the Gibsonian approach to perception along evolutionary lines. Theory & Psychology, 19, 363-389.
Withagen, R., & van Wermeskerken, M. (2009). Individual differences in learning to perceive length by dynamic touch: Evidence for variation in perceptual learning capacities. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 71, 64-75.
Withagen, R., & Michaels, C. F. (2007). Transfer of calibration between length and sweet-spot perception by dynamic touch. Ecological Psychology, 19, 1-19.
Withagen, R., & Michaels, C. F. (2005). The role of feedback information for calibration and attunement in perceiving length by dynamic touch. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 31, 1379-1390.
Withagen, R., & Michaels, C. F. (2005). On ecological conceptualizations of perceptual systems and action systems. Theory & Psychology, 15, 603-620.
Withagen, R. (2004). The pickup of nonspecifying variables does not entail indirect perception. Ecological Psychology, 16, 237-253.
Withagen, R., & Michaels, C. F. (2004). Transfer of calibration in length perception by dynamic touch. Perception & Psychophysics, 66, 1282-1292.
Withagen, R., & Michaels, C. F. (2002). The calibration of walking transfers to crawling: Are action systems calibrated? Ecological Psychology, 14, 223-234.
Michaels, C. F., Withagen, R., Jacobs, D. M., Zaal, F. T. J. M., & Bongers, R. M. (2001). Information, perception, and action: a reply to commentators. Ecological psychology, 13, 227-244.
Withagen, R., & Michaels, C. F. (1999). An ecological approach to cognitive (im)penetrability. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 22, 399-400.
Withagen, R., & van Dijk, L. (2023). The social constitution of ecological psychology in the Netherlands. In M. Segundo-Ortin, M. Heras-Escribano, & V. Raja (Eds.). Places, sociality, and ecological psychology: Essays in honor of Harry Heft (pp. 23-36). New York: Routledge.
Van Dijk, L., & Withagen, R. (2019) (Eds.). Studies in Perception and Action XV: Twentieth International Conference on Perception and Action. Enschede: Ipskamp.
Akkermans, L, Vegter, R., & Withagen, R. (2019). De dood tarten of zoeken naar mens-zijn? Waarom extreme sporten minder extreem zijn dan het lijkt. Sportgericht, 73, 34-37.
Jongeneel, D., Withagen, R., Caljouw, S., & Smith, J. (2016). Een omgeving die uitnodigt tot bewegen. S+RO, 97, 42-45.
Withagen, R. (2010). Het leven loopt langs lijnen: Tim Ingolds nieuwe kijk op mensen, bewegen en de omgeving. De Academische Boekengids, 81, 9-11.
Withagen, R. (2010). De slimme aardworm. In R. Bongers, S. Caljouw, E. Hartman & R. den Otter (Eds.). Smart Movements. 25 jaar bewegingswetenschappen Groningen. UMCG/Rijsuniversiteit Groningen.
Withagen, R. (2007). Ontstaat de betekenisvolle omgeving in ons brein? In J. van Baak, J. Bartels, B. van Heusden, & C. Wildevuur (Eds.), Cultuur en Cognitie: Het menselijk vermogen om betekenis te geven (pp. 11-21). Budel: Damon.
Withagen, R., & Michaels, C. F. (2003). Transfer of calibration in dynamic touch: Length and sweet-spot perception. In S. Rogers & J. Effken (Eds.), Studies in perception and action VII (pp. 91-94). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
2010-present:Philosophy of science and ethics (Master)
2005-present:Theoretical Issues in Movement Sciences (Bachelor)
2009:Perception and Action (Master)
2004-2010:Introduction to Methods and Statistics (Bachelor)
2003:Perception and Human Movement (with Prof. dr. P.J. Beek)
2014:Teacher of the Year, University Medical Center Groningen
2014:Teacher of the Year, Center for Human Movement Sciences
2011:Teacher of the Year, University Medical Center Groningen
2011:Teacher of the Year, Center for Human Movement Sciences
2011-2022:Member of the Ethical Committee, Center for Human Movement Sciences, University of Groningen.
2006-2011:Member of the Programme Committee, Center for Human Movement Sciences, University of Groningen.
2005-2011:Member of the Admission Committee, Center for Human Movement Sciences, University of Groningen.
2016: Ludger van Dijk, Department of Philosophy, University of Antwerp, Belgium: May 9, 2016.
2023: Harry Ramsey, Department of Psychology, University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom: June 15, 2023.
2021: Tim Valk, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Groningen, the Netherlands: September 15, 2021.
2018: Jan van Eemeren, Department of Philosophy, University of Antwerp, Belgium: June 26, 2018.
2013: Nienke Debats, Faculty of Human Movement Sciences, Free University, Amsterdam, the Netherlands: February 25, 2013.
2012: Margot van Wermeskerken, Faculty of Human Movement Sciences, Free University, Amsterdam, the Netherlands: November 28, 2012.
2011:Wim van Lier, Faculty of Human Movement Sciences, Free University, Amsterdam, the Netherlands: December 7, 2011.
2010: Matt Dicks. School of Physical Education. University of Otaga, Dunedin, New Zealand: June 24, 2010.
2007:Rolf van de Langenberg. Faculty of Human Movement Sciences, Free University, Amsterdam, the Netherlands: June 4, 2007.
2006:Rob Pijpers. Faculty of Human Movement Sciences, Free University, Amsterdam, the Netherlands: April 13, 2006.
Editoral board: Ecological Psychology
Ad-hoc reviewer for: American Journal of Psychology; Attention, Perception & Psychophysics; Behavioral and Brain Sciences; Disability & Rehabilitation; Environment and Behavior; Frontiers in Human Neuroscience; Gait and Posture; Human Movement Science; International Journal of Sport Psychology; Journal of Consciousness Studies; Journal of Environmental Psychology; Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance; Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences; National Science Foundation; Perception; Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences; Philosophical Psychology; Sports Medicine; Psychonomic Bulletin & Review; Theory & Psychology; Vision Research
Withagen, R. (2024). What is this thing called environment? Gibson and his critics. Invited lecture at closing conference REPAIRS, Groningen, the Netherlands: August 29, 2024.
Withagen, R. (2023). Affective Gibsonian Psychology. Invited lecture at Faculty of Philosophy, University of Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands: June 1, 2023.
Withagen, R. (2019). Towards a Gibsonian theory of emotions. Invited lecture and panel member. Book presentation of The Emotional Mind by Stephen Asma and Rami Gabriel. Amsterdam, the Netherlands: May 22, 2019.
Withagen, R., & van der Kamp, J. (2018). An ecological approach to creativity in making. 15th European Workshop on Ecological Psychology. Montauban, France: June 13, 2018.
Withagen, R. (2018). Towards environments that enhance physical activity. Invited lecture at Man Made Blue Zones: Healthy Aging Together. Groningen, the Netherlands: April 3, 2018.
Withagen, R. (2016). Physical activity and inviting affordances in the built environment. Keynote lecture at National Sport Psychology Meeting. Setúbal, Portugal: November 25, 2016.
Withagen, R., de Poel, H.J., & Araujo, D. (2016). Inviting affordances and agency. 14th European Workshop on Ecological Psychology. Groningen, the Netherlands: July 8, 2016.
Withagen, R. (2016). Inviting affordances: Theory and some empirical studies. Invited lecture at Moving cognition beyond its basic ecology. Antwerp, Belgium: May 10, 2016.
Withagen, R. (2015). Ruimte en gedrag: Van ‘affordances’ naar The end of sitting. Invited lecture at GRAS Kennisboo(s)t. Groningen, the Netherlands: October 8, 2015.
Withagen, R. (2015). Inviting affordances: Theory and some studies on playgrounds. Invited lecture at SMART Cognitive Science: The Amsterdam Conference. Amsterdam, the Netherlands: March 26, 2015.
Withagen, R. (2015). Affordances and playgrounds. Invited lecture at University of Groningen. Groningen, the Netherlands: January 12, 2015.
Withagen, R. (2014). Towards a relational conception of information. Invited lecture at Rissho University. Tokyo, Japan: August 25, 2014.
Withagen, R. (2014). Developing Gibson’s theory of perception along evolutionary lines. Invited lecture at Rissho University. Tokyo, Japan: August 25, 2014.
Withagen, R. (2014). Inviting affordances: Theory and an exploratory study on playgrounds. Invited lecture at Rikkyo University. Tokyo, Japan: August 22, 2014.
Withagen, R. (2014). Round table: The future of Ecological Psychology. Invited panel member. 13th European Workshop on Ecological Psychology. Lusty Beg, Northern Ireland: June 28, 2014.
Withagen, R., Prieske, B., Smith, J., & Zaal, F.T.J.M. (2014). Affordances and playgrounds: Taking the body seriously. 13th European Workshop on Ecological Psychology. Lusty Beg, Northern Ireland: June 26, 2014.
Withagen, R. (2013). Evolution and perception: In defense of individual differences. Exploratieve bewegingen in de haptische waarnemening. Amsterdam, the Netherlands: February 25, 2013.
Withagen, R., de Poel, H., Araujo, D, & Pepping, G. J. (2012). Affordances and agency: Lessons from different fields of inquiry. 12th European Workshop on Ecological Psychology. Madrid, Spain: June 28, 2012.
Withagen, R. (2010). Taking evolution seriously in the study of perceptual learning. 11th European Workshop on Ecological Psychology. Frejus, France: June 10, 2010.
Withagen, R. (2007). Ontstaat de betekenisvolle wereld in ons brein? Invited lecture at the Senioren Academie. Groningen, the Netherlands: September 28, 2007.
Withagen, R. (2007). An evolutionary analysis of the information-based theory of perception. 7th Gatherings in Biosemiotics. Groningen, the Netherlands: June 8, 2007.
Withagen, R. (2006). Furthering Gibson’s naturalisation of perception. Invited lecture at the University of Portsmouth. Porthsmouth, UK: May 17, 2006.
Withagen, R., & Michaels, C. F. (2005). The role of feedback information for calibration and attunement. Invited lecture at Franklin & Marshall College. Lancaster, PA, USA: July 28, 2005.
Withagen, R., & Michaels, C. F. (2004). Information for calibration and information for attunement in length perception by dynamic touch. 8th European Workshop on Ecological Psychology. Torri del Benaco, Italy: June 28, 2004.
Withagen, R. (2003). Waarneming is direkt: Wat betekent dat eigenlijk? Invited lecture at TNO. Soesterberg, the Netherlands: December 4, 2003.
Withagen, R. (2003). Gibsons ecologische benadering, een omgevingspsychologie. Lecture at a meeting of het promovendinetwerk voor Mens&Omgeving. Groningen, the Netherlands: August 22, 2003.
Withagen, R., & Michaels, C. F. (2002). Transfer of calibration in dynamic touch. 7th European Workshop on Ecological Psychology. Bendor, France: July 5, 2002.
Withagen, R., & Michaels, C. F. (2002). Transfer of calibration in dynamic touch. Invited Lecture at the Center for the Ecological Study of Perception and Action. Storrs, CT, USA: April22, 2002.
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