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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons R.A. (Ruth) Howison, PhD


Optimizing soil multifunctionality of coastal peat grasslands

Remote sensing and GPS tracking reveal temporal shifts in habitat use in nonbreeding Black-tailed Godwits

Are they even there?: How agri-environment schemes investments reach their target species in Dutch dairy-farmland, the case of meadow birds

Does early spring arrival lead to early nesting in a migratory shorebird? Insights from remote tracking

Grutto Landschap Project Jaarverslag 2023: De staat van ons landschap: Biomonitoring van duurzame landbouw innovaties

Liveable Futures: A guiding concept for knowledge infrastructures

Grutto Landschap Project Jaarverslag 2022: De staat van ons landschap: Biomonitoring van duurzame landbouw innovaties

High resolution mass spectrometric suspect screening, wide-scope target analysis of emerging contaminants and determination of legacy pollutants in adult black-tailed godwit Limosa limosa limosa in the Netherlands: A pilot study

Land‐use intensity impacts habitat selection of ground‐nesting farmland birds in the Netherlands

Black-tailed Godwits (Limosa limosa) in southern Iberia, habitat description and finding colour marked birds from 1 – 26 February 2022: Portugal (Sado, Tejo & Algarve), Spain (Doñana & Extremadura)


Opinie: Ga niet wéér twijfel zaaien: aan die stikstofdoelen valt echt niet te ontkomen

Wildcamera's moeten predatoren in Zuidwest-Fryslân in kaart brengen

Satellite identifies bird-friendly meadows