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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. ir. R.A. (Ronnie) Hoekstra


Electron Capture from Molecular Hydrogen by Metastable Sn2+* Ions

On the question whether surface roughness can explain the absence of a prominent single-collision peak in keV heavy-ion scattering off a polycrystalline Ru surface

Plasma sources for advanced semiconductor applications

Power-Law Scaling Relating the Average Charge State and Kinetic Energy in Expanding Laser-Driven Plasmas

Soft X-Ray Absorption and Fragmentation of Tin-oxo Cage Photoresists

The CompactLight Design Study

A comparative laboratory study of soft X-ray-induced ionization and fragmentation of five small PAH cations

An X-ray spectroscopy study of structural stability of superhydrogenated pyrene derivatives

Dependence of ion charge-energy emission from Nd:YAG-laser-produced plasma on laser intensity in the 0.4 - 40 × 10 10 W/cm2 range

Evidence of production of keV Sn+ ions in the H2 buffer gas surrounding an Sn-plasma EUV source