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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons P. (Panos) Merkouris, Prof


Custom and its Interpretation in International Investment Law

Custom and its Interpretation in International Investment Law: Final Musings

Customary International Law and Its Interpretation by International Courts: Theories, Methods and Interactions

Interpretation of Customary International Law: of Methods and Limits

The European Union and the Interpretation of International Customary Law

The European Union and the Interpretation of International Customary Law: An Introduction

The Interpretative Practice of the International Court of Justice

The Netherlands

The Normative Status of Climate Change Obligations under International Law: ‘Yesterday’s good enough has become today’s unacceptable’

Time-Travelling Rules of Interpretation: Of 'Time-Will' and 'Time-Bubbles'


The TRICI-Law Project Animation

28 Europe Documentary Series: The Golden Five