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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. P. (Peter) Korsten


Genetic integration of local dispersal and exploratory behaviour in a wild bird

Preen oil composition of Pied Flycatchers is similar between partners but differs between sexes and breeding stages

Individual responses to capture are not predicted by among-individual risk-taking in response to predation threat

Repeatable parental risk taking across manipulated levels of predation threat: No individual variation in plasticity

Chemical analysis reveals sex differences in the preen gland secretion of breeding Blue Tits

High heritability of telomere length and low heritability of telomere shortening in wild birds

How individualized niches arise: Defining mechanisms of niche construction, niche choice, and niche conformance

Intruder sex and breeding stage influence territorial aggressiveness: But only in male not female blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus)

Is risk-taking behaviour consistent throughout different threats?: Measuring among-individual variation in a population of blue tits