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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons P. (Paraskevi) Karka, PhD

Research interests

Dr. Paraskevi Karka is a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Sustainable Process Design at the Faculty of Science and Engineering at the University of Groningen. Her research interests include modelling, process design and sustainability (Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and technology assessment) of industrial processes, technoeconomic analysis, circular economy and industrial symbiosis. She has authored several papers in scientific journals among of which in the International Journal of LCA, Energy Strategy Reviews, Chemical Engineering Science, etc. and she has participated in a variety of conferences in Europe and the USA such as the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting, European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, etc. She has participated in various EU and national research projects in the National Technical University of Athens, Chalmers University of Technology and the University of Groningen. 


Hydrothermal liquefaction integrated with wastewater treatment plants - life cycle assessment and technoeconomic analysis of process system options

Digitizing sustainable process development: From ex-post to ex-ante LCA using machine-learning to evaluate bio-based process technologies ahead of detailed design

Advanced biofuels to decarbonise European transport by 2030: Markets, challenges, and policies that impact their successful market uptake

Perspectives for Greening European Fossil-Fuel Infrastructures Through Use of Biomass: The Case of Liquid Biofuels Based on Lignocellulosic Resources

Production costs of advanced biofuels using a multi-component learning curve model

Environmental impact assessment of biomass process chains at early design stages using decision trees

Predictive LCA - a systems approach to integrate LCA decisions ahead of design

Short-cut statistical models for environmental impact assessment of bio-based processes at early design stages

Cradle-to-gate assessment of environmental impacts for a broad set of biomass-to-product process chains

Challenges for Model-Based Life Cycle Inventories and Impact Assessment in Early to Basic Process Design Stages

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