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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons P.J. (Patrick) Outhwaite, Dr


Christ the Physician in Late Medieval Religious Controversy: England and Central Europe 1350-1434

Annual Bibliography 2022

Attitudes towards Exempla in the Wycliffite Latin Sermon Cycles of Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Laud misc. 200

The Commercialization of lechecraft in Piers Plowman

The Politics of Babbling in Mum and the Sothsegger

Annual Bibliography 2021

Arvind Thomas, Piers Plowman and the Reinvention of Church Law in the Late Middle Ages. University of Toronto Press 2019

A Descriptive Catalogue of the Western Medieval Manuscripts of the Osler Library of the History of Medicine

Sir Gawain’s Penitential Development from Attrition to Contrition

Christ Church Canterbury’s Scribe 7 and Latinity Following the Viking Sack