P.J.O. (Pasi) Kuusela, Dr

Dr. Pasi Kuusela is an Assistant Professor of Strategic Management at the Department of Innovation Management and Strategy, University of Groningen. He holds a Doctor of Science (Tech.) in technology strategy and venturing from Aalto University, Finland. Before joining RUG in 2019, he worked at the University of Zurich as a postdoctoral researcher.
My current research concentrates primarily on strategic decision-making and covers a variety of phenomena such as technology acquisitions, divestments, patenting, and peer-to-peer markets. In particular, I am interested in how the organizational decision context – especially aspirations and structures guiding attention - influences individual decision-makers’ strategic choices and the subsequent performance implications. Theoretically, my work falls mainly within the classic Carnegie perspective, applying and extending the Behavioral Theory of the Firm. I have published in the leading academic journals, including Administrative Science Quarterly [paper] and Strategic Management Journal [paper self-archived].
My teaching experience covers a wide array of topics such as strategic management, innovation management, international strategy, cooperative strategies, organization theory and design, and quantitative research methods from undergraduate to doctoral levels. I have co-taught over 50 classes in more than 20 different courses in four universities and guided various students in their research projects and theses.
I am in the editorial review board of Organization Science and reviewed ad-hoc for Strategic Management Journal, Strategic Organization, Long Range Planning, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, Frontiers in Psychology, and British Journal of Management.
Laatst gewijzigd: | 06 maart 2023 18:12 |