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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. ir. P. (Pieter) Dieleman


A far infrared spectrometer for SPICA mission: Optical E2E of SAFARI

The 4K focal plane unit for SPICA's SAFARI far infrared instrument

SPICA-A Large Cryogenic Infrared Space Telescope: Unveiling the Obscured Universe

In-orbit performance of Herschel-HIFI

Detection of interstellar oxidaniumyl: Abundant H2O+ towards the star-forming regions DR21, Sgr B2, and NGC6334

Excitation and abundance of C-3 in star forming cores: Herschel/HIFI observations of the sight-lines to W31C and W49N

Herschel: Testing of Cryogenics Instruments at Spacecraft Level and Early Flight Results

Herschel/HIFI observations of high-J CO lines in the NGC 1333 low-mass star-forming region

Herschel observations in the ultracompact HII region Mon R2: Water in dense photon-dominated regions (PDRs)

Herschel observations of the hydroxyl radical (OH) in young stellar objects