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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons P. (Paris) Avgeriou, Prof


Generative AI in Software Engineering Must Be Human-Centered: The Copenhagen Manifesto

Message from the ICSA 2024 SAIP, NEMI, Early Career, Artifacts, Posters, Journal First, Workshops Tracks Chairs

PairSmell: A Novel Perspective Inspecting Software Modular Structure

SDK4ED: a platform for building energy efficient, dependable, and maintainable embedded software

Technical debt management automation: State of the art and future perspectives

An Architectural Technical Debt Index Based on Machine Learning and Architectural Smells

Automatically Identifying Relations Between Self-Admitted Technical Debt Across Different Sources

Automatic identification of self-admitted technical debt from four different sources

Code Reviewer Recommendation for Architecture Violations: An Exploratory Study

DebtViz: A Tool for Identifying, Measuring, Visualizing, and Monitoring Self-Admitted Technical Debt