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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. M. (Mariët) Hagedoorn


Cohort profile: The ENTWINE iCohort study, a multinational longitudinal web-based study of informal care

Differences in Psychological Health and Weight Loss after Bariatric Metabolic Surgery between Patients with and without Pain Syndromes

Experiencing the physical and psychosocial aspects in a multi-bedded room in an oncology ward in the Netherlands before the COVID-19 pandemic

Interpersonal Processes in the Duration of Sick Leave of Workers with Chronic Diseases: A Dyadic Analysis

Lifestyle changes after cancer treatment in patients and their partners: a qualitative study

Perceived life balance among young adult students: a comparison between caregivers and non-caregivers

The associations of dyadic coping strategies with caregiver’s willingness to care and burden: A weekly diary study

Attachment style and post-bariatric surgery health behaviours: the mediating role of self-esteem and health self-efficacy

A Web-Based Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Couples Dealing With Chronic Cancer-Related Fatigue: Protocol for a Single-Arm Pilot Trial

Contraceptive methods and fertility testing in young adult survivors of childhood cancer


Mogelijkheden en barrières voor sociale contacten na kanker

Proefschriftbespreking: Leven met prostaatkanker: behoefte aan en gebruik van psychosociale ondersteuning

Interview met Fabiola Muller: Cancer-related fatigue in couples' context

Vicky Lehmann: Relaties en seksualiteit na jeugdkanker

Meirav Dagan: Effectieve steun van de partner na darmkanker