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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons M. (Michael) Wyrwich, Prof

M. (Michael) Wyrwich, Prof

Full Professor of Entrepreneurship and Regional Development

MOD-BLOCK DDR: 2018-2023: Principal investigator in the third-party funded project “The legacy of the GDR innovation system” (Federal German Ministry of Education and Research, 397,000 Euro) within the research consortium "Obstacles to Modernization in the Economy and Science of the German Democratic Republic (GDR)" (MOD-BLOCK-DDR). LINK

The project investigates regional disparities of innovation and entrepreneurial activities within Germany. A special focus is on the legacy of 40 years of the socialist GDR regime, across East German regions. We collect and analyze data on innovation and entrepreneurship at a regional level from the time before World War II, the socialist period, and from more recent decades. 

SIRM- Socio-economic Integration of Refugees and Migrants 2023-2027: SIRM is an EU-Interreg project that helps policymakers to better understand the potential, challenges and barriers of socio-economic integration of migrants and refugees to improve regional policies.

Laatst gewijzigd:11 juli 2023 17:02