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Author response to: Comment on: Prehabilitation: tertiary prevention matters

Impact of Preoperative Diabetes Mellitus on Postoperative Outcomes in Elective Pancreatic Surgery and Its Implications for Prehabilitation Practice

Prehabilitation: tertiary prevention matters

Dose finding study for unilobar radioembolization using holmium-166 microspheres to improve resectability in patients with HCC: the RALLY protocol

Implementation and Outcome of Robotic Liver Surgery in the Netherlands: A Nationwide Analysis

Pancreatectomy with arterial resection for periampullary cancer: Outcomes after planned or unplanned events in a nationwide, multicentre cohort

Personalized multimodal prehabilitation reduces cardiopulmonary complications after pancreatoduodenectomy: results of a propensity score matching analysis

Potential, Limitations and Risks of Cannabis-Derived Products in Cancer Treatment

Treatment of iron deficiency in patients scheduled for pancreatic surgery: implications for daily prehabilitation practice in pancreatic surgery

External Validation of a Risk Model for Severe Complications following Pancreatoduodenectomy Based on Three Preoperative Variables

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Two studies seek to show the benefits of cannabinoids for liver health

CanHep-studie: welk effect heeft cannabisolie op leverkanker?

Wat doet cannabisolie voor uitbehandelde kankerpatiënt?

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