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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. M.W. Masselink


Are Genetic and Environmental Risk Factors for Psychopathology Amplified in Children with Below-Average Intelligence?: A Population-Based Twin Study

Wellbeing does not predict change in parenting behaviours among mothers of young children at elevated likelihood of autism

Affect, worry, and sleep: Between- and within-subject associations in a diary study

Genetic and Environmental Influences on the Development of Psychopathology in Individuals With and Without Mild Intellectual Disability

Towards wide-scale adoption of open science practices: The role of open science communities

Open Research Award: Celebrating openness … and randomness?

ROAD studie: vroegherkenning ADHD

Despicable me: self-esteem and depressive symptoms among adolescents and young adults

Domains Of Pleasure Scale (DOPS): Assessing pleasure across domains

Self-esteem in Early Adolescence as Predictor of Depressive Symptoms in Late Adolescence and Early Adulthood: The Mediating Role of Motivational and Social Factors


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