M. (Mikołaj) Malinowski, PhD

2021 Long-Term Visiting Professor at Bocconi University in Milan, Department of Social Sciences
2020 Visiting Researcher at University of Oxford, Department of Economics.
2019 - 2020 Humboldt Research Fellow at Humboldt University in Berlin (scholarship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation)
2018 - 2020 Principal Investigator in the project: ‘Parliaments and prosperity. The impact of state capacity on economic growth in pre-1800 Europe’ hosted at Lund University (1,000,000 SEK, financed by Handelsbanken, main applicant).
2018 - 2020 Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Utrecht University responsible for editing a report on global well-being for the OECD and Teacher at University College Utrecht.
2016 - 18 Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Lund University School of Economics and Management (Department of Economic History) working on an independent research project (24 months, full-time)
2017 Visiting Teacher at Utrecht University (3 months, part-time)
2012 - 14 Free-lance journalist associated with The Holland Times
2010 - 11 Academic assistant in the KNAW Akademieassistenten project `Costs and Benefits of Microfinance´, Utrecht University
2010 - 11 Assistant to Jan Luiten van Zanden, Utrecht University
2009 - 10 Internship at NEHA (Dutch Economic History Archive), Amsterdam
2008 - 10 Designer of E-learning platforms for the Museum of King Jan III, Warsaw (e.g. http://www.wilanow-palac.art.pl/file/orszak/index.html)
2020- Economic History Network Chair of the European Social Sciences History Congress
2019- Trustee of the European Historical Economics Society
2018- 2020 Co-editor of the second volume of ‘How was Life?’, a landmark publication discussing long-term global well-being indicators commissioned by the OECD.
2018- Member of the Editorial Board of the Economic History of Developing Regions
2017 - 2019 Editor of the blog of the European Historical Economics Society (http://positivecheck.blogspot.se)
2015 - 2018 Gust editor in the Economic History of Developing Regions
2013 - Co-founder and co-organizer of WEast workshops and academic sessions on Eastern European economic history (http://weast.info)
2012 - Editor in-chief of Eastern European Economic History Hub (http://www.cgeh.nl/eastern-european-economic-history-hub)
2019 Higher Education Teaching Qualification (Dutch BKO)
2012 - 16 PhD from Utrecht University titled ‘East of Eden; The Place of Poland in the Little Divergence Debate’ under supervision of Jan Luiten van Zanden
2014 Visitor at Humboldt University in Berlin under supervision of Nikolaus Wolf
2012 - 13 Posthumus Advanced Research Training
2010 - 12 MSc in Economics and History at Utrecht School of Economics
2006 - 11 MA in History at Warsaw University (integrated programme)
2009 - 10 Exchange Student at Utrecht University, Minor in Dutch Studies
2019 Research Fellowship awarded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (80,000 Euro, tax exempted)
2018 Mayor Research Grant to lead a project titled: ‘Parliaments and prosperity. The impact of state capacity on economic growth in pre-1800 Europe’ (1,000,000 SEK = 100,000 Euro, tax exempted) awarded by Handelsbanken.
2017 Figuerola Prize for best article in the European Review of Economic History (3,000 Euro)
2010 Prestigious ‘Scholarship of the Ministry of Education’ for outstanding students
- How Was Life?: Global Well-being since 1820, Vol. 2, OECD Publishing, Paris (co-editor, 2021)
- Economic consequences of state failure; Legal capacity, regulatory activity, and market integration in Poland, 1505-1772. Journal of Economic History 79(3), 2019: 862-896.
- Living standards in the long-run: The place of Central, East and South-East Europe in the Divergence debate. In: M.Morys (ed.), The Economic History of Central, East and South-East Europe, 1800 to the present day. Routledge (2021, with Stephen Broadberry)
- Income and its distribution in preindustrial Poland. Cliometrica 11(3), 2017 (With Jan Luiten van Zanden)
- Serfs and the city: market conditions, surplus extraction institutions and urban growth in Poland, 1500-1772. European Review of Economic History 20(2), 2016: 123-146 (Editor’s choice; Figuerola Prize)
- Little Divergence revisited: Polish living standards in a European perspective, 1500-1800. European Review of Economic History 20(3), 2016: 345-367
Last modified: | 25 June 2022 3.20 p.m. |