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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons M.L. (Maria Laura) Mascotti, PhD


Evolution of the catalytic mechanism at the dawn of the Baeyer-Villiger monooxygenases

In vitro construction of the COQ metabolon unveils the molecular determinants of coenzyme Q biosynthesis

Structure, mechanism, and evolution of the last step in vitamin C biosynthesis

Evolution of enzyme functionality in the flavin-containing monooxygenases

Identification and characterization of archaeal and bacterial F420-dependent thioredoxin reductases

Impact of ancestral sequence reconstruction on mechanistic and structural enzymology

Investigating the biochemical signatures and physiological roles of the FMO family using molecular phylogeny

Vanillyl alcohol oxidase from Diplodia corticola: Residues Ala420 and Glu466 allow for efficient catalysis of syringyl derivatives

A conserved sequence motif in the E. coli soluble FAD-containing pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase is important for reaction efficiency

Evolutionary and structural analyses of the NADPH oxidase family in eukaryotes reveal an initial calcium dependency

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Evolutionary history of detoxifying enzymes reconstructed — ScienceDaily

Histoire évolutive des enzymes détoxifiantes reconstruite

Study reveals why the FMO5 gene produces an enzyme with a different activity

Reconstructie van de evolutionaire geschiedenis van ontgiftende enzymen

Evolutionary history of detoxifying enzymes reconstructed

Reconstructing the evolutionary history of detoxifying enzymes

Detox Enzymes’ Evolution Traced

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