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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. M.J. (Matthijs) Warrens


Understanding subject choices from report card grades: Gender and educational level disparities

Assessing attitudes toward LGB people in young adolescents

Dutch secondary school counselors’ and tutors’ views on how students should make study profile choices

Samenwerken aan inclusief onderwijs

The predictive power of Dutch end of primary school tests for educational attainment in ninth grade

Understanding Dutch students’ subject choices in secondary education using the Theory of Planned Behavior

Vso-leerlingen in het reguliere onderwijs: Onderzoek naar symbiose

Aantal heroverwegingen verschilt per eindtoets

Are track recommendations dependent on schools and school boards? A study of trends in the level of track recommendations, number of double recommendations and reconsiderations in Dutch urban and rural areas

A Systematic Review of Peer Assessment Design Elements