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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. M.J. (Marcel) Broersma


Bypassing digital literacy: Marginalized citizens’ tactics for participation and inclusion in digital societies

Creative Autonomy in the Newsroom: How Hierarchy Impacts Innovative Behaviour

‚Das könnte Sie auch interessieren‘: Methoden zur Erforschung algorithmischer Empfehlungssysteme

Digital In- and Exclusion in Everyday Life: Practices and Literacies Across the Lifespan

Digital Literacies as Socially Situated Pedagogical Processes: Genealogically Understanding Media, Information, and Digital Literacies

Exclusion in the Innovating Newsroom: On the Uneven Distribution of Trust and Creative Autonomy

Highlighting and downplaying subjectivity through ethos construction: Personal journalism as a pluriform epistemic practice

Internet memes, populist campaigns: Nationalism, populism, and online visual protests in China

Local Journalists as Brokers: Conceptualizing Information Relationships in Rural Communities

Making sense of politics: how affective dispositions and everyday experiences connect young people with the political


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