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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. M.I. (Isabel) Palomares Linares


Residential choice following separation and widowhood in middle and later life in Belgium and Sweden

Changes in young people's discourses about leaving home in Spain after the economic crisis

Local Ties as Self-Reported Constraints to Internal Migration in Spain

Unique times, unequal mobilities: Daily mobility during the de-escalation of the COVID-19 pandemic

Internal Migration, Living Close to Family, and Individual Labour Market Outcomes in Spain

Loneliness in older adults: a comparative study of four southern European countries

Making place for urban segregation matters in four southern European countries: a literature review

Procesos de centralización urbana: factores individuales y tipologías metropolitanas

The demand-side determinants of multiple property ownership in Spain

Understanding the effects of homeownership and regional unemployment levels on internal migration during the economic crisis in Spain